Do you ever find yourself hitting a roadblock in the middle of the workday, losing your momentum? You know that feeling when a nap seems more enticing than tackling your to-do list? While taking a snooze might not be feasible for most of us, Eat This, Not That! connected with The Nutrition Twins®, Tammy Lakatos Shames, RD, CDN, CFT, and Lyssie Lakatos, RD, CDN, CFT, from our Medical Expert Board, to uncover natural strategies for sustaining energy throughout the day.

Discovering ways to overcome sluggishness can be key to staying productive. Stay tuned as we delve into the top 10 natural methods recommended by the Nutrition Twins to keep your energy levels high all day long.

1) Drink more water.

A staggering 75% of people fall short of their water intake, which research indicates is a leading cause of fatigue. According to The Nutrition Twins, "Water is essential for every bodily function, from digestion to respiration. Without enough water, the body expends extra effort on these processes, leading to fatigue." Consistent hydration is key to sustaining energy levels throughout the day. For those who find plain water unappealing, adding slices of lemon, lime, or orange can enhance the flavor, or opt for flavored seltzer as an alternative.

2) Get creative with how you hydrate.

Instead of sticking to plain water, why not try switching to peppermint or cinnamon tea? The Nutrition Twins suggest that the aroma of these teas has been linked to heightened alertness, reduced fatigue, and a revitalized central nervous system.

3) Keep your metabolism on track.

The Nutrition Twins emphasize the importance of maintaining regularity and paying attention to your metabolism. "Though it may be a bit uncomfortable to discuss, the relief and energy boost after a trip to the bathroom is undeniable," they explain. "Constipation can drain both your mental and physical energy, leaving you feeling uncomfortable and distracted throughout the day. Additionally, when bowel movements are infrequent, toxins can build up in the bloodstream, leading to inflammation and further draining your energy."

To combat this, it's crucial to incorporate fiber-rich foods like vegetables, whole grains, seeds, fruits, and nuts into your diet. And don't forget, staying hydrated is essential for moving fiber through your system effectively.

4) Eat a healthy first meal of the day.

Avoid starting your day with refined carbs and sugary treats like pastries, sugary cereals, bagels, and donuts—they'll drain your energy fast. "Instead," advise The Nutrition Twins, "opt for moderate portions of whole grains. They're packed with nutrients, including fiber, which promotes gradual digestion, helping to sustain energy levels without the subsequent crash."

5) Incorporate deep breathing exercises.

It's essential to pay attention to your breathing habits. "Deep breathing can alleviate stress and anxiety, both of which can drain your energy," note The Nutrition Twins. "By practicing deep breathing, you increase oxygen flow throughout your body, leaving you feeling refreshed and invigorated."

6) Work protein into each meal.

Once again, it's crucial to be discerning about your carb choices and avoid making them the centerpiece of your meal. Options like cereal or a bagel with cream cheese are rapidly digested, potentially leading to an energy crash due to their lack of protein, which slows digestion.

"Carbohydrates typically digest within one to four hours, with whole, unprocessed carbs falling on the longer end of the spectrum thanks to their fiber content, while protein takes four to six hours to digest," explains The Nutrition Twins. "Therefore, combining protein with wholesome, whole grain carbohydrates is key to sustaining energy levels and avoiding spikes and crashes."

A well-balanced meal example would involve adding a protein source such as shrimp or chicken to your whole-wheat pasta with sauce. This combination provides a more sustained energy boost.

7) Boost your microbiome.

When aiming to boost your energy levels, prioritizing gut health is paramount.

"The bacteria residing in your gut play a significant role in how you feel, your energy levels, and nutrient absorption. If harmful bacteria overpower the beneficial ones—often due to factors like stress, poor diet, alcohol, and environmental pollutants—your energy can suffer," explain The Nutrition Twins.

To foster a healthy microbiome, it's crucial to manage stress effectively, incorporate fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi into your diet, and consume a diverse array of plant fibers from sources such as nuts, seeds, legumes, vegetables, and whole grains. Additionally, include foods rich in prebiotics such as sunchokes, asparagus, and dandelion greens.

The Nutrition Twins recommend OLIPOP as a prebiotic drink option loved by their clients. Unlike traditional sodas packed with nearly 40g of sugar, OLIPOP contains less than 5g of sugar per can. It's a refreshing, bubbly, and delicious alternative that helps maintain hydration throughout the day while providing 9 grams of prebiotic fiber to nourish the beneficial bacteria in the gut.

8) Opt for whole grains.

Not all carbohydrates are created equal. Whole grains offer a valuable source of energy that fuels both your brain and body. They are rich in essential nutrients and fiber, which play a crucial role in slowing down digestion and regulating blood sugar levels.

"Opt for grains such as quinoa, bulgur, brown rice, whole wheat bread, and oatmeal," advises The Nutrition Twins. "Trader Joe's offers pre-cooked brown rice, making it convenient to incorporate whole grains into your meals."

9) Begin meals with apple cider vinegar and water.

That's correct—incorporating a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into your daily routine, ideally before each meal, can have health benefits. However, it's important to dilute it in water and ensure it contains the "Mother," which aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels when consumed alongside food.

"By stabilizing your blood sugar at the beginning of a meal, you can mitigate the energy fluctuations often triggered by carbohydrates, helping to maintain sustained energy levels," advise The Nutrition Twins.

10) Add electrolytes to your drinks.

Frequent trips to the bathroom after drinking water may indicate poor absorption of H2O, suggesting dehydration as your cells aren't effectively utilizing water for essential chemical reactions, including energy production, as explained by The Nutrition Twins.

If this situation resonates with you, enhancing water absorption into your cells can be achieved by supplementing your drinks with electrolytes, thus promoting increased energy and mental clarity.

"We recommend Trace Minerals ConcenTrace Drops, as they offer a blend of vital minerals, including a balanced array of electrolytes sourced directly from the Utah Sea. They are free from additives, gluten, and preservatives," advise The Nutrition Twins.

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