We've all experienced it—the initial burst of determination to embark on a wholesome weight loss plan, vowing to bid farewell to unwanted pounds for good. We commit to a future filled with nourishing food choices, only to find ourselves succumbing to sedentary habits and mindless snacking on sugar-laden or heavily processed treats, mere days or even hours later. But what if we could replace those tempting potato chips or jellybeans with equally delectable, yet more gratifying options—high-protein, low-carb snacks?

The Case for High-Protein, Low-Carb Snacks in Weight Loss

Let's face it: no matter how strong our willpower may be, the fear of missing out on delicious food can be overwhelming when striving for weight loss. When coupled with hunger pangs and cravings, it creates a disruptive and uncomfortable mix of distractions that often lead us astray, hindering our progress. However, for those prone to snacking between meals, opting for high-protein, low-carb snacks can be a game-changer, increasing the likelihood of staying on track without feeling deprived.

Incorporating high-protein snacks into your diet while keeping the carbohydrate intake low can serve as an effective strategy for weight loss due to several reasons. Firstly, protein is an indispensable nutrient that plays a vital role in curbing hunger. Numerous studies have demonstrated that high-protein diets contribute to successful weight loss efforts. By promoting a feeling of fullness and satisfaction, protein helps reduce the likelihood of overeating, which can hinder your weight loss goals.

Defining Characteristics of High-Protein, Low-Carb Snacks

Determining the perfect balance of carbohydrates and protein in a high-protein, low-carb snack is not an exact science, according to a group of nutrition experts from our Medical Expert Board.

Registered dietitian and author of The First Time Mom's Pregnancy Cookbook and Fueling Male Fertility, Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, suggests that a snack should ideally contain at least 3 grams of protein and fewer than approximately 8 grams of carbs.

The classification of a food as high in a specific nutrient often relies on meeting 20% or more of the recommended daily value (DV), as defined by the FDA. Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, FAND, an acclaimed nutrition expert and Wall Street Journal bestselling cookbook author of Up Your Veggies: Flexitarian Recipes for the Whole Family, explains this definition.

To determine the most suitable snack composition for an individual, healthcare providers consider various factors, including body chemistry, height, and weight.

Amidor elaborates on protein recommendations, stating that the guideline is 0.36 grams per pound of body weight. For instance, someone weighing 150 pounds would require 54 grams of protein per day, with about 10 grams suitable for a snack, which can be relatively high for a snack portion.

Amidor advises combining foods in a snack that provide both protein (from plant or animal sources) and fiber. Additionally, incorporating healthy fats can contribute to a feeling of fullness. For weight loss purposes, Amidor recommends snacks to be around 125-150 calories and composed of at least two of these nutrients: fiber, healthy fat, and protein. Such nutrients take longer to digest or pass through the digestive system, promoting satiety for a longer duration.

To help you begin building a collection of delicious high-protein, low-carb snacks, we have gathered a few nutritious suggestions below, all approved by dietitians.

1) Pistachios

Total carbs per ounce: 7.71 grams
Total protein per ounce: 5.73 grams

According to Caroline Thomason, RD, CDCES, pistachios are a nutritional powerhouse and one of the lowest-calorie nut choices. "A one-ounce serving of pistachios, which is roughly equivalent to 50 nuts, contains only 160 calories. They also provide 3 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein. With their low carbohydrate content, pistachios are an excellent energy source for individuals who are mindful of their blood sugar levels."

Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, author of The Sports Nutrition Playbook, emphasizes that if you're seeking a satisfying snack to aid in weight loss, pistachios are the way to go. "They are among the highest in protein compared to other nuts, offering 6 grams of complete plant-based protein per serving. Additionally, pistachios provide 3 grams of fiber per serving, and 90% of the fat they contain is unsaturated. This combination of protein, fiber, and healthy fats helps promote a longer-lasting feeling of fullness after snack time. Oh, and did I mention that a serving of pistachios is approximately 49 nuts? You truly get a substantial and satisfying snack that delivers a savory crunch!"

2) Deli Turkey

Total carbs per slice: 1 gram
Total protein per slice: 5 grams

Thomason shares her fondness for a nostalgic childhood snack choice: the turkey rollup with a delightful dipping sauce. She expresses her personal preference for Applegate turkey due to its wholesome ingredients and 100% natural composition. "One of the snacks that truly brings back memories of my childhood is the turkey rollup paired with a fun dipping sauce," Thomason explains. "When it comes to turkey, I absolutely adore Applegate because they prioritize better-for-you ingredients and ensure their product is completely natural."

3) Plain Greek Yogurt

Total carbs per 7-ounce container: 7.88 grams
Total protein per 7-ounce container: 19.9 grams

Goodson highlights the protein-rich benefits of plain Greek yogurt, stating that a 6-ounce serving can provide around 15-17 grams of high-quality protein, depending on the brand. In addition to promoting satiety, the probiotics present in yogurt (beneficial bacteria) contribute to improved gut health. Greek yogurt is also a good source of calcium. If weight loss is your goal, Goodson suggests using Greek yogurt as a foundation for dips, smoothies, and even incorporating it into baked goods to enhance the protein content while keeping the calorie count in check. By leveraging Greek yogurt in these ways, you can increase your protein intake without consuming excessive calories.

4) Edamame

Total carbs per serving: 10 grams
Total protein per serving: 7 grams

According to Ashley Harpst, RD, owner of Go for the Gold Nutrition, half a cup of dried edamame offers approximately 9 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. This combination of protein and fiber proves beneficial for individuals seeking to maintain a sense of fullness and satisfaction.

5) Poached Eggs

Total carbs per egg: 0.36 grams
Total protein per egg: 6.28 grams

Goodson emphasizes the exceptional nutritional value of eggs, stating that they are the highest-quality protein available. A single large egg provides 6 grams of high-quality protein and is rich in essential nutrients such as choline, vitamin D, and iodine, which are often lacking in the diets of many Americans. Eggs also contain omega-3 fatty acids. The combination of protein and fat in eggs promotes a quicker feeling of fullness and helps to sustain that feeling for a longer period, reducing the likelihood of overeating. Eggs can be enjoyed at any meal or snack and can contribute to a greater sense of satiety.

Eggs offer versatility in terms of preparation, whether fried, scrambled, or deviled. However, the simplicity of poaching eggs eliminates the need for additional ingredients like butter or oil, which can increase the fat and calorie content of the meal.

6) Greek Yogurt Smoothies

Total carbs per serving: 5 grams
Total protein per serving: 10 grams

If you're tired of the usual yogurt consumption, you can add some excitement to your high-protein, low-carb snack regimen by opting for a Greek yogurt-infused smoothie.

Thomason enthusiastically recommends Two Good's Greek Yogurt Smoothie as her current favorite. "I've been absolutely loving Two Good's Greek Yogurt Smoothie lately," she shares. "It's a delightful and satisfying snack with remarkable satiating power, offering just 70 calories and 10 grams of protein. With a mere 5 grams of total carbohydrates and 3 grams of sugars, Two Good provides an exceptionally balanced and flavorful yogurt drink option that's hard to beat at the grocery store."

7) Hard-Boiled Eggs

Total carbs per egg: 0.56 grams
Total protein per egg: 6.3 grams

Harpst emphasizes that hard-boiled eggs are an excellent choice for a convenient and high-protein grab-and-go snack that helps keep individuals satisfied throughout the day. Furthermore, eggs are beneficial for weight management due to their high choline content, which supports metabolism.

Manaker adds that hard-boiled eggs are not only portable and easy to consume but also packed with high-quality protein and a range of essential nutrients. She also highlights that the U.S. Dietary Guidelines have not limited dietary cholesterol for several years and actually recommend eggs as part of a healthy diet. Therefore, individuals can confidently choose eggs for themselves and their families, including the nutrient-rich yolks. For an added burst of flavor, Manaker suggests trying Everything But The Bagel seasoning from Trader Joe's to sprinkle on the eggs.

8) Beef Jerky

Total carbs per serving: 3.12 grams
Total protein per serving: 9.41 grams

Goodson highlights the nutritional value of beef, emphasizing that it offers 10 essential nutrients, including high-quality protein. Consuming just one ounce of beef provides approximately 10 grams of protein, as well as essential nutrients such as zinc, vitamin B-12, selenium, and more. Beef jerky, in particular, is an excellent protein-packed snack option that is convenient for on-the-go consumption. It promotes longer-lasting satisfaction after eating. Additionally, beef jerky does not require refrigeration or heating, making it a perfect snack solution for various situations, including road trips, gym bags, and desk drawers.

9) Roasted Walnuts

Total carbs: 4 grams
Total protein: 5 grams

Manaker explains that roasted walnuts are abundant in ALA omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered beneficial fats that support overall health. In addition, walnuts are a valuable source of fiber and plant-based protein, offering a well-rounded combination of satisfying macronutrients. Incorporating walnuts into various healthy snacks is a great way to enjoy their nutritional benefits. They can be added to options like trail mix, fruit salad, or yogurt, enhancing both the taste and nutritional value of these snacks.

10) Pumpkin Seeds

Total carbs per unsalted ounce (no shell): 4.17
Total protein per unsalted ounce (no shell): 8.46 grams

Do not overlook the remarkable weight-loss-supporting advantages that come with consuming a spoonful or two of pumpkin seeds. These small seeds offer a satisfying crunch that can effectively substitute for cravings for less healthy options like potato chips. Beyond their texture and taste, pumpkin seeds are a high-protein, low-carb snack that also provides nearly 2 grams of fiber per ounce. This fiber content contributes to a sense of fullness, helping to curb excessive food intake and prevent overindulgence. By incorporating pumpkin seeds into your snacking routine, you can enjoy their satisfying qualities while supporting your weight loss goals.

11) String Cheese

Total carbs: 1 gram
Total protein: 8 grams

Absolutely! You can successfully achieve your weight loss goals and maintain your love for cheese. While many cheeses naturally have lower carbohydrate content, you can specifically focus on options with lower moisture content to find varieties that are higher in protein. The Dairy Reporter suggests that such cheeses generally offer more protein per serving. If you're a fan of mozzarella, Amidor recommends indulging in a convenient string cheese stick as a satisfying, on-the-go snack. To enhance the nutritional balance and maximize the protein content, consider pairing it with slices of fresh pear. This combination creates a filling and well-rounded snack that is both high in protein and low in carbs. You can enjoy your cheese while staying on track with your weight loss journey.

12) celery & almond butter

Total carbs: 4.91 grams
Total protein: 3.08 grams

For individuals aiming to lose weight, the thought of snacking solely on plain celery stalks can be daunting. While celery is undoubtedly nutritious and hydrating, it often lacks that extra something to truly satisfy cravings. One excellent way to enhance both the flavor and protein content of this snack is by adding a dollop of almond butter. By doing so, you not only elevate the taste but also increase the protein component of your snack. A tablespoon of almond butter alone provides approximately 3.36 grams of protein, which accounts for over 6% of your daily value. Furthermore, it contains only about 3 grams of carbohydrates, making it a suitable option for those watching their carb intake while seeking a filling and delicious snack.

13) Veggies with Hummus

Total carbs: 8 grams
Total protein: 2 grams

Building upon Amidor's suggestion of incorporating snacks that offer both protein and fiber, a fantastic high-protein, low-carb snack combination is a refreshing veggie platter featuring cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and carrots, accompanied by a side of hummus. If you're pressed for time and unable to prepare your own, Meijer supermarket's Vegetable Tray with Hummus is a convenient option that requires no additional preparation. What's more, this snack clocks in at just 60 calories per serving while still delivering 4% of the daily value (DV) for protein and 3% DV for carbs. It's a win-win situation, offering a satisfying and nutritious snack option that perfectly balances protein and carb intake.

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