As January draws to a close, many individuals are diligently pursuing their New Year's resolution to cook more meals at home. Beyond the financial benefits of reducing dining-out and delivery expenses, cooking meals at home can lead to healthier, more nutrient-rich eating habits. However, for those new to home cooking, the challenges of finding the time, energy, and inspiration to prepare meals can be daunting.

Fortunately, preparing nutritious, homemade meals doesn't have to be a complex and time-consuming endeavor. You can easily find dishes that are both nutrient-rich and quick to prepare in just a matter of minutes. To provide you with inspiration for such meals, we turned to our team of dietitians to discover what they've been cooking recently.

Our dietitians offer a glimpse into their kitchen routines, revealing how they effortlessly create delicious and nutritious meals in no time. From nutritious oatmeal and savory tacos to air-fried salmon, protein-packed toast, and vibrant smoothies, they demonstrate the art of whipping up speedy yet delightful dishes.

1) Quinoa Orange Chicken Salad

Salads should never be dull, and Manaker's recent delight in the Quinoa Orange Chicken Salad serves as compelling evidence.

I concocted this dish because I knew I'd need a quick lunch on the go. So, I blended cooked quinoa with tender rotisserie chicken, crisp Sumo oranges, steamed broccoli, and slivered almonds," she recounts. "For dressing, I fused Fresh Press Farms Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil with Uncle Matt's Organic Ultimate Defense Juice (an organic orange juice infused with organic turmeric, ginger, and other delightful ingredients) to enhance both the flavor and nutritional value."

An added benefit? According to Manaker, "The inclusion of the juice also imparts a probiotic boost to this dish, with each serving containing 1 billion probiotics.

2) Tart Berry Yogurt and Granola

For a swift and delectable snack teeming with both flavor and nutrients, Manaker adores this Tart Berry Yogurt and Granola treat.

I enjoy merging vinegar and honey with berries to craft a distinctive flavor that complements Greek yogurt or Icelandic Skyr," she shares. "In this instance, I opted for Fresh Pressed Farms Peach Cider Vinegar and Tupelo honey to concoct the dressing, topping the fruit with Icelandic Provisions Skyr and Streusli Grain-Free Granola.

3) Sweet Potato with Nut Butter and Granola

Uncertain about how to put those leftover sweet potatoes to good use? One option, as demonstrated by Manaker this week, is to incorporate them into your breakfast routine.

One of my go-to breakfast concepts involves repurposing leftover sweet potatoes and embellishing them with nut butter and granola. I particularly enjoy using Big Spoon Roaster's Maple Cinnamon Pecan and Peanut Butter when available, although any nut butter will suffice," she suggests. "Starting my day with this meal allows me to seamlessly introduce some vegetables into my morning routine.

4) Avocado Protein Toast

Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT, and Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT, also known as The Nutrition Twins, have recently been whipping up some delectably healthy meals. Among their latest favorites is their innovative Avocado Protein Toast.

The drawback of traditional avocado toast," explain The Nutrition Twins, "is its lack of protein, which is crucial for meeting your daily requirements to build and repair muscle tissue or prevent the loss of lean muscle, a factor that can impede your metabolism and make weight loss more challenging."

They still hold a fondness for avocado toast with eggs but point out that "it can be challenging to reach the minimum 20 grams of protein we aim for at breakfast."

For their protein-packed toast, The Twins recommend, "simply take a slice of 100% whole grain toast, spread half a cup of low-fat cottage cheese on the toasted bread, mash half an avocado and spread it on top – then add your choice of vegetables. Our favorites include Roma tomatoes, red bell peppers, and red onion!

5) One Pan Salmon with Roasted Vegetables

We make a conscious effort to incorporate inflammation-fighting omega-3 fats into our diet regularly, and this recipe is so straightforward that it's virtually foolproof," affirm The Nutrition Twins.

For their One Pan Salmon with Roasted Vegetables, they provide these simple steps: "Begin by lining a sheet pan with unbleached parchment paper. Next, generously add your choice of vegetables (we often opt for a convenient bag of pre-made broccoli slaw and/or cabbage slaw along with some leafy greens). Drizzle a teaspoon of olive oil, add a few cloves of freshly minced or crushed garlic, and toss everything together. Then, create hollows in the vegetables to nestle your salmon fillets, placing the fillets in the center of the vegetable bed. Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the top, season with a pinch of salt and pepper, and bake at 400 degrees for approximately 12 minutes or until the salmon is thoroughly cooked," instruct The Twins.

Their preferred way to enjoy this dish? Served alongside a simple side of brown rice.

6) Low-Fat Chicken Salad

Chicken salad serves as an ideal choice for a quick and hassle-free lunch, and The Nutrition Twins have crafted a significantly healthier variation of the traditional recipe.

Most chicken salad recipes rely on mayonnaise, resulting in high-calorie content and unhealthy fats," explain The Nutrition Twins. "However, our effortlessly prepared, flavorful version is not only protein-rich but also replaces mayonnaise with avocado and Greek yogurt. This substitution trims down the calories, boosts the protein content even further, and reduces the intake of less desirable fats."

According to The Twins, the key to this recipe lies in using shredded cooked chicken. "Simply mash an avocado in a mixing bowl, incorporate half a cup of non-fat, plain Greek yogurt, along with chopped red onion and celery. Then, season the mixture with dill, garlic powder, onion powder, and pepper," advise The Nutrition Twins. "Serve it over a bed of lettuce or pair it with whole grain crackers.

7) Whole Wheat Pasta+Zoodles with Vegetables and Marinara Sauce

Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, has recently prepared a selection of delightful, straightforward, and healthful dishes, and she's graciously shared her top picks with us. One of her favorites is this satisfying dish: Whole Wheat Pasta and Zoodles with Vegetables and Marinara Sauce.

Simply cook the pasta, lightly sauté the zoodles and other vegetables, and then toss them in marinara sauce," advises Young. "This meal is both easy and delicious, offering a wholesome way to relish a generous serving. Enjoy your pasta and enhance the volume with your preferred delectable vegetables.

8) Air Fryer Salmon

Another preferred nutritious meal in Young's repertoire for busy weeks is air-fried salmon. Her approach is refreshingly straightforward: she takes a salmon fillet, drizzles it with lemon and olive oil, and cooks it to perfection in her air fryer.

Pair it with a salad and sliced avocado and savor it alongside butternut squash lightly dressed with olive oil, salt, and pepper," Young recommends.

9) Chickpea Salad

For a speedy recipe that demands no cooking, Young recommends her Chickpea Salad. "This salad features a medley of spinach, chickpeas, jicama, avocado, and red pepper, generously drizzled with olive oil, fresh lemon juice, and seasoned with salt and pepper."

This salad packs a nutritional punch, delivering fiber from the chickpeas, beneficial fats from the avocado, and essential iron and vitamin K from the spinach. It's a swift and effortless approach to prioritize your health in just a few minutes.

10) Chocolate Cherry Antioxidant Shake

For a speedy and healthful morning meal, Mary Sabat MS, RDN, LD prefers to kickstart her day with her personalized Chocolate Cherry Antioxidant Shake.

This shake is brimming with antioxidant-rich ingredients like turmeric, cherries, and chocolate," Sabat enthuses. To create it, she recommends gathering unsweetened nut milk, chia seeds, frozen organic cherries, vegan protein powder, turmeric, cinnamon, cocoa powder, and spirulina.

Spirulina is a superfood packed with antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamin B12. Chia seeds contribute healthy omega-3 fats, while cinnamon aids in lowering blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity in both normal and overweight individuals," Sabat explains.

To prepare, she advises, "Allow the chia seeds to soak in milk for 15 minutes or overnight. Then, add all the other ingredients, blend thoroughly, and savor.

11) Vegan Quinoa Salad

Trista Best, MPH, RD, LD, working with Balance One Supplements, prepared a delightful Vegan Quinoa Salad this week, which she describes as a "protein-rich and nutrient-packed option for individuals following a vegan diet."

Quinoa stands out as a complete protein, encompassing all nine essential amino acids, a feature typically found in animal-derived sources," notes Best. "Moreover, the inclusion of black beans and peppers creates a synergy of plant-based iron and vitamin C, a vital pairing for the effective absorption of non-heme iron, primarily found in plant sources.

To whip up this salad, you'll require quinoa, black beans, canned corn, bell pepper, onion, balsamic or red wine vinegar, and salt. Combine all the ingredients and serve them over a bed of romaine lettuce for a wonderfully wholesome meal.

12) Watercress Smoothie

A nutrient-packed smoothie always makes for a convenient and wholesome choice, and Manaker favors creating her Watercress Smoothie.

I'm a fan of green smoothies, especially post-workout, and lately, I've been incorporating watercress into my smoothies to introduce a subtle peppery flavor that complements the inherent sweetness of fruits," she explains. "Given that the CDC recently recognized watercress as the most nutrient-dense vegetable, I've been incorporating it into more and more of my recipes. This smoothie combines watercress with frozen cherries, half of a frozen banana, almond butter, almond milk, and ice. Occasionally, I'll also toss in some chia seeds for an extra dose of healthy fats."

13) Butternut Squash Soup

I have a fondness for drinkable soups, and this particular one is incredibly simple to prepare," Manaker shares. And what could be a more fitting time for a sippable butternut squash soup than the heart of winter?

By roasting squash, apples, and onions, then blending them with vegetable broth, Fresh Press Farms cold-pressed sunflower oil, and an array of herbs and spices, you create a nutrient-rich midday choice," Manaker recommends. "The sunflower oil is certified by the American Heart Association and contributes an infusion of wholesome, satisfying fats to this soup.

14) BBQ Pizza

Craving pizza but determined to stay on track with your health objectives? Manaker offers a solution with this BBQ pizza recipe that she thoroughly enjoys preparing during the week.

For a hassle-free weeknight dinner, I opt for a frozen cauliflower pizza crust (such as Caulipower) and layer it with Kevin's Natural Foods Korean-Style BBQ Chicken. This chicken comes with a delectable sweet and spicy Bulgogi sauce crafted from coconut aminos, garlic, toasted sesame seeds, and tender sous vide chicken," Manaker explains. "After incorporating sliced red onion and canned pineapple (I used Del Monte Deluxe Gold), I proceed to cook and serve it alongside a small spinach salad."

She further notes, "All the ingredients are gluten-free, soy-free, and dairy-free, rendering it a delightful option for many individuals.

15) Cobb Salad

Manaker has chosen to prepare this delectable cobb salad for the week because it's a quick and satisfying meal that can be whipped up in mere minutes.

A bed of lettuce adorned with avocado, tomato, blue cheese, hard-boiled egg, bacon, and turkey covers a wide array of culinary desires," Manaker explains. "Instead of opting for lower-quality bacon, which can elevate saturated fat levels in this salad, I use Applegate Naturals Uncured Turkey Bacon. This choice not only avoids saturated fat but also steers clear of added sugars and chemical nitrates/nitrites. Additionally, I incorporate Applegate's Oven Roasted Turkey Breast, which provides antibiotic-free turkey devoid of any questionable ingredients."

She highlights that "including eggs in this cobb salad offers a straightforward approach to infusing high-quality protein and essential micronutrients such as vitamin B12 and choline, which are vital for brain health. Eggs not only contribute nutrition and flavor but also aid in the improved absorption of nutrients from vegetables, such as vitamin E and carotenoids. Furthermore, in accordance with the American Heart Association, individuals in good health can incorporate an average of seven eggs per week as part of a heart-healthy diet.

16) Walnut Tacos

Taco night is an absolute staple in my household," Manaker exclaims, "and I derive immense satisfaction from substituting beef with walnuts to create a delightful meatless rendition."

Opting to replace beef with walnuts in select weekly meals can yield heart-healthy advantages, as per Manaker.

Evidence indicates that introducing walnuts as a partial replacement for meat can enhance dietary quality, elevate omega-3 ALA and fiber consumption, and lower cholesterol levels," she asserts. "Furthermore, the study establishes that individuals of all age groups and genders can reap the benefits of incorporating walnuts into their diets.

17) Zucchini Bread Oatmeal

Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, has a beloved breakfast choice – her Zucchini Bread Oatmeal.

Breakfast requires a dose of protein, so I rely on Bob's Red Mill Protein Oats as the foundation of my meal. I prepare these oats and enhance them with a dash of salt, cinnamon, chopped zucchini, walnuts, and prunes. A subtle touch of genuine maple syrup (not pancake syrup) completes the mix," Manaker shares. "The prunes introduce a natural sweetness to the dish, allowing me to minimize the use of excessive maple syrup, which counts as added sugar when incorporated into a recipe. In addition to the delightful taste, Manaker values the health advantages of this oatmeal.

Bob's Red Mill Protein Oats furnish a substantial 10 grams of protein per serving and boast a one-ingredient composition (whole-grain oat flakes)," she points out. "Furthermore, prunes, compared to other dried fruits, contain lower levels of naturally occurring sugars and possess a low glycemic index of 29. They deliver 3 grams of fiber per serving, promoting overall gut health."

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