Let’s face it: when it comes to intimacy, many people wouldn't mind a little extra help in boosting their libido and stamina. Whether you're with a long-term partner or someone new, the desire to extend the experience and keep things exciting is something most of us can relate to. The good news? There are actually foods that can enhance both your sex drive and endurance.
The even better news is that you don’t need to go all night to satisfy your partner. According to research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, most couples engage in intimate activity for three to 13 minutes, while other studies suggest that women generally prefer it to last between 15 and 25 minutes. But let’s be honest, there’s nothing wrong with making it last a bit longer!
Believe it or not, certain foods can enhance both your bedroom stamina and your sex drive. For improving sexual endurance, foods that promote blood flow and are packed with endurance-boosting vitamins are essential. To boost your libido, nutrients that support mental well-being, arousal, and circulation can have a significant impact. Below, you'll discover 20 foods that may help elevate both your stamina and overall desire. Keep reading, and then explore these 20 Best Protein-Rich Foods for Supporting Sexual Health.

Watermelon is one of the best natural sources of L-citrulline, a non-essential amino acid that your body converts into L-arginine. It’s L-arginine that plays a key role in enhancing your erection. Much like that well-known little blue pill, L-arginine stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which boosts blood flow to the penis, helping to strengthen erections.
Chili Peppers

Align your mindset with your body by incorporating some serrano peppers into a stir fry, jalapeños into guacamole, or cayenne pepper into your eggs. Why the extra spice? These peppers are packed with capsaicin, the compound responsible for the heat in Tabasco sauce. Capsaicin triggers the release of chemicals that elevate heart rate, mimic the signs of arousal, and release feel-good endorphins, according to NPR. The takeaway? Snacking on these spicy foods won't just rev up your metabolism—they'll also help set the mood for the evening and potentially increase your stamina in the bedroom.

An apple a day does more than just keep the doctor away—it might also help boost your sexual stamina. This is due to apples' high levels of quercetin, an antioxidant flavonoid known for enhancing endurance. Since your body experiences many of the same physical responses during sex as it does during exercise—such as an elevated heart rate, increased metabolism, calorie burn, and muscle contractions—improving endurance can translate to longer sessions in bed.
Nutritionist Sarah-Jane Bedwell, RD, LDN, author of Schedule Me Skinny: Plan to Lose Weight and Keep It Off in Just 30 Minutes a Week, explains that quercetin "can help create new mitochondria in the body's cells and increase oxidative capacity, which is the maximum amount of oxygen your muscles can use." Additionally, quercetin helps prevent the release of cortisone, a hormone that causes muscle breakdown, allowing you to keep going longer without experiencing premature fatigue.

If you enjoy your food as you do your lovers sweet and spicy you're in for a treat. Ginger is another ingredient that can enhance your sex life by promoting blood flow and improving artery health. A study published in the International Journal of Cardiology found that consuming just a teaspoon of ginger a few times a week is enough to enjoy its heart-healthy benefits. So, go ahead and indulge in that second order of sushi this week just be sure not to leave the ginger behind.
Wild-Caught Salmon

Planning to spice things up after your dinner date? Make sure to order the wild salmon. This fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help boost nitric oxide production, according to a study in the journal Food & Function. This, in turn, can help you maintain a stronger erection. Additionally, research published in the International Journal of Impotence Research found that reducing calories and following a Mediterranean-style diet—rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, and healthy fats like omega-3s—can improve erectile function in men with metabolic syndrome.
Interestingly, the same research team discovered similar benefits for improved sexual function in women who adhered to a Mediterranean diet.

The playful innuendo of bananas isn't just for fun—this tropical fruit can actually help you gear up for an evening of romance. Bananas are packed with simple carbs that provide a quick energy boost to keep you going. They’re also rich in potassium, offering about 9% of your daily value, which is a muscle-relaxing mineral that helps prevent cramps and muscle spasms that could interrupt your intimate moments. Additionally, the American Heart Association notes that potassium can help lower blood pressure, enhancing sexual performance by promoting proper blood flow to key areas, including the genitals.

If you're aiming to last long enough to help your partner reach the big O (hint: you should), consider adding oatmeal to your routine. While it might not be the most glamorous food, this popular breakfast grain is one of the richest sources of amino acids among cereal grains, which are often used to help treat erectile dysfunction.
Moreover, whole grains like oatmeal have been shown to lower cholesterol levels, according to a review in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. High cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis, a condition that clogs and narrows arteries, impairing blood flow. This not only increases the risk of heart problems but can also cause issues with sexual performance. In short, better cholesterol levels mean better erections. So, start your day right with some overnight oats.

According to historians, ancient Egyptians used garlic to enhance their stamina. Modern research backs this up—a study in the Journal of Nutrition found that consuming garlic extract can help prevent the formation of new fatty deposits, known as plaque, within arterial walls. This includes the arteries that supply blood to your penis. To maintain a healthy heart and strong erections, consider incorporating garlic into your regular meals. However, be mindful that garlic might not leave your breath smelling particularly enticing, so it's best to skip it on date nights.

To help ensure you can last as long as you’d like when the moment arrives, consider adding some nuts to your diet. Pistachios, peanuts, and walnuts are rich in the amino acid L-arginine, which is a key component in producing nitric oxide—a natural gas that helps sustain erections. Additionally, nuts are packed with magnesium, which can enhance your energy levels and endurance.

If you're looking to boost your stamina in the bedroom, consider swapping your dinner roll for a side of quinoa. Quinoa is one of the few plant-based sources of complete protein and is also rich in fiber. Since fiber takes longer for your body to digest, eating nutrient-dense foods like quinoa provides sustained energy, helping you last longer when it counts.