A 2022 study found that over 283 million Americans eat breakfast cereals each year. However, despite their popularity, cereals are not the most nutrient-rich food in your kitchen cupboard. Here are four reasons you should re-think your next bowl of cereal.

1. Higher Sugar Consumption

Contemporary diets include high amounts of added sugar caused primarily by the number of processed foods we eat, of which sugary breakfast cereals are a chief source. A 2021 study showed that breakfast cereals amount to be the seventh-largest contributor to the consumption of added sugars in America.

A diet containing foods packed with sugar such as cereal can cause a vast array of health problems. For instance, high blood pressure, liver disease, diabetes, and inflammation to name a few. These can in turn lead to an increased risk of stroke and heart attack.

2. Lack of Protein

Of all the macronutrients, protein is the most filling. Unfortunately, most cereals are mainly made of sugar and refined grains that contain minimal protein. Therefore, cereals can reduce your daily protein intake and leave you feeling hungry soon after finishing your bowl.

3. More Likely to Gain Weight

A majority of breakfast cereals contain high amounts of sugar that can lead to extreme fluctuations in your blood sugar levels. Additionally, because they lack protein, this can cause you to eat more throughout the day. Consequently, the effect of these factors is that you’re more likely to gain weight if you eat cereal regularly.

4. More Difficult to Manage Diabetes

Over half of adult Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes. Both are potentially deadly conditions caused by high blood sugar. Hence, eating cereals can contribute to and enhance issues related to your blood sugar levels such as diabetes.

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