Want to know more about how this diet can aid weight loss? Read on.

1. Grilled Chicken and Kale Salad with Avocado Dressing

You love chicken. But when it comes to vegetables, you often run the proverbial mile. Why not try this twist on a classic dish? For starters, the chicken is grilled, meaning it’s prepared in one of the healthiest ways. Better still, the combination of ingredients provides a plethora of nutrients, proteins, and vitamins.

2. Brown Rice Shrimp with Tomatoes

This nutritious and tasty meal features brown rice and shrimp cooked together in soy sauce with tomatoes on top.

3. Salmon Souvlaki

If you like the sound of grilled and marinated salmon topped with vegetables and couscous, you’re not alone. And if you’re a confirmed carnivore, you could replace the salmon with a red meat option. But do remember, salmon is packed with health-boosting omega-3 fats.

4. Spinach and Mushroom Omelet

Omelet-lovers can try this low-carb option. Rich in minerals and vitamins from the combination of eggs, mushrooms and vegetables, it offers fewer calories than the standard omelet.

5. Barley with Roasted Vegetables

Fiber and vitamins are the name of the game when it comes to barely with roasted veggies. This timeless classic from the vegetarian kitchen will also keep you fuller for longer than most dishes.

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