Losing weight is a challenging task that requires a combination of hard work, dedication, motivation, and a personalized plan. Regardless of where you are on your weight loss journey, it's important to be aware of certain habits that may hinder your progress. To help you speed up your weight loss journey, we spoke with Victoria Brady, a top personal trainer at Fyt, a leading personal training service that makes expert-guided fitness accessible to everyone.

Brady highlighted five common weight loss habits that people should avoid if they want to achieve their goals. So, if you're looking to lose weight effectively, be sure to avoid these weight loss traps and read on to learn more.

1) You're Eating or Snacking Mindlessly.

Consuming food without paying attention to portions can be a roadblock on your weight loss journey. Mindless eating, or grazing, can lead to overeating and an accumulation of excess calories, warns personal trainer Victoria Brady from Fyt, the leading personal training service in the country.

Brady emphasizes the importance of portion control in maintaining a healthy diet and reaching weight loss goals. "While it's important to have a balanced diet, it's equally crucial to be mindful of how much you're consuming, regardless of whether the food is considered healthy or not," she says. "Practicing portion control helps you keep track of your daily calorie intake and reduce the risk of overeating."

2) You're Missing Meals

Missing meals can have a negative impact on weight loss efforts, warns personal trainer Victoria Brady. According to Brady, when you skip meals, your body enters a state of "survival mode," causing it to hold onto calories as a means of preserving energy. Additionally, hunger can lead to hasty food choices, such as fast food, which are typically high in calories and low in nutrients. To avoid these negative consequences, it's important to maintain a consistent eating schedule and make healthy food choices even when you're pressed for time.

3) Consuming Your Calories Through Beverages

"Drinks can often be the culprit of excess calories and sugar in your diet," says Victoria Brady, a personal trainer at Fyt, the largest personal training service in the nation. "It's important to be mindful of the contents of what you're drinking, as they can contribute significantly to weight gain." According to Brady, many individuals are unaware of the high calorie and sugar count in their beverages, which can lead to weight gain and a slower metabolism. "Stick to drinks with low sugar content and watch your portions to avoid added pounds," she advises.

4) You're Lacking Adequate Sleep

Neglecting the importance of adequate sleep and recovery can negatively impact your weight loss journey. "Sleep deprivation can disrupt your hormones and increase your appetite for calorie-dense foods, leading to weight gain," says Brady, a personal trainer on Fyt. "It's crucial to include rest days in your workout routine and avoid over-exercising, which can cause a plateau in your progress and increase the risk of injury." Get your shut-eye and give your body the time it needs to recover, so you can continue making progress towards your weight loss goals.

5) You Put Exercise Above Proper Nutrition

Exercise and nutrition both play important roles in any weight loss plan, but it's crucial to find a healthy balance between them. According to expert advice, 80% of weight loss is determined by what you eat and only 20% by physical activity. This means that simply working out more won't necessarily lead to weight loss if your diet is high in calories. To achieve weight loss goals, it's essential to focus on nutrition and control calorie intake, as only a small portion of the calories burned daily come from exercising. By following a balanced approach that prioritizes both exercise and nutrition, you can reach your weight loss goals effectively.

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