Whether or not it’s healthy depends on an individual’s personal diet. Here are some of the side effects if you eat ice cream every day.


Since fiber is lacking in ice cream, eating large amounts every day would create hard stools and in turn cause constipation. Chronic constipation can lead to hemorrhoids and fecal impaction which are very painful (and embarrassing) medical issues.

Heart Attack

Consuming ice cream often can lead to cardiovascular health problems. There are other possible causes of heart attacks, but eating ice cream every day would likely raise your cholesterol and in turn put your heart at risk.

Tooth Decay

Ice cream is loaded with sugar so eating it every day could lead to tooth decay. Sugar-rich foods cause acids to form in your mouth and weaken your enamel.

Belly Fat

Eating ice cream every day could add to belly fat since it’s high in sugar. While it might sound a bit counterintuitive, the added sugar stops your body from using its fat reserves and promotes further fat storage. This could also lead to type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

Foggy Brain

Dairy can affect the central nervous system, diminishing of verbal memory and cognitive skills, while sugar can increase chronic inflammation and lead to unbalanced moods. Eating ice cream all the time could make your brain foggy.

Don’t Scream for Ice Cream

While Ice cream has some good nutrients that we need (and can lead to slightly increased fertility), it can have some bad effects on our health. Eating ice cream on occasion is perfectly fine but eating it every day isn’t good for our bodies or our brains.

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