Walking is a widely favored form of exercise for many, owing to its ease of execution and immense benefits. With no special equipment required, it can be effortlessly integrated into your daily routine, allowing you to walk to the rhythm of your favorite songs or engage in conversation with friends or groups. Besides, there are probably several enticing routes waiting to be explored right outside your doorstep. If you're looking to lose weight, we've got you covered. We spoke to experts who shared tips on how to upgrade your walking regimen to shed those extra pounds.

One of the simplest ways to burn calories is by walking. Engaging in regular physical activity, such as walking, is essential to maintaining a healthy weight, according to the Mayo Clinic. Walking briskly for just 30 minutes a day can help you burn an additional 150 calories. The more time you dedicate to walking and the faster your pace, the more calories you can burn. If you're new to walking, start with shorter walks at a light intensity, and gradually increase the duration and pace to a moderate or vigorous level, as recommended by the Mayo Clinic.

In summary, walking is an excellent form of exercise that is accessible and can be integrated into your daily routine effortlessly. By increasing the intensity and duration of your walking routine, you can shed those extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight.

1) Spice Up Your Walks by Mixing Up the Terrain

Mike Bohl, MD, MPH, ALM, a certified personal trainer, nutrition coach, and member of our Medical Expert Board, recommends varying the terrain you walk on to promote weight loss and give your body a more challenging workout. While walking on a flat, paved surface is a good start, switching up the terrain can offer additional benefits.

According to Dr. Bohl, walking on rolling or steep hills can increase your calorie burn, while walking on surfaces like sand can take extra effort and burn more calories. Tyler Read, a personal trainer with 15 years of experience and the founder of PTPioneer.com, also suggests opting for a trail instead of a flat pavement to engage more stabilizer muscles and increase energy demands.

Incorporating varied terrain into your walking routine can be an effective way to boost your calorie burn, build muscle, and achieve your weight loss goals. By challenging your body in new ways, you can keep your walks exciting and make progress towards a healthier lifestyle.

2) Optimize Your Walking Routine by Changing Your Speed

According to Dr. Bohl, the faster you walk, the more calories you burn. Therefore, if you want to lose weight while walking, consider adding bursts of greater speed to your routine. Even just varying your walking speed can have an effect, but Dr. Bohl recommends throwing in a few minutes of jogging for even better results.

Tyler Read suggests alternating between power walking and slow-tempo walking in one-minute intervals. This technique can turn your walks into interval training sessions, increasing caloric expenditure and helping you achieve your weight loss goals.

By incorporating intervals of higher and lower intensity into your walking routine, you can enhance your calorie burn and make progress towards a healthier lifestyle. Whether you opt for power walking or jogging, switching up your walking speed can be an effective way to challenge your body and achieve your fitness goals.

3) Supercharge Your Walking Workout by Adding a Weighted Backpack

Dr. Bohl suggests adding a weighted backpack to your routine to try "rucking," which involves walking or hiking with added weight. "Rucking is an activity that involves walking or hiking with a weighted backpack," he explains. "As you get used to it, you can continue to add more weight to increase the intensity of future walks."

Incorporating rucking into your walking routine can be an effective way to challenge your body and boost your calorie burn. By gradually increasing the weight of your backpack, you can continue to push yourself and make progress towards your fitness goals.

If you're looking to add a new challenge to your walking regimen, consider rucking and adding a weighted backpack to your routine. With consistent practice, you can reap the benefits of this intense workout and take your walking exercise to the next level.

4) Engage Your Arms

While walking, it's essential to engage your arms, not just your legs. According to Dr. Bohl, "Pumping your arms while walking may not provide the highest calorie burn, but any amount of motion you're able to add in does make a difference. So if you're looking to burn a few more calories each walk, swing those arms."

Swinging your arms while walking can provide a small boost to your calorie burn and help tone your upper body muscles. It's an easy way to engage more of your body and make your walking workout more effective.

In summary, don't forget to pump your arms while walking to engage your upper body and boost your calorie burn. It's a simple yet effective way to add more movement to your walking routine and achieve your fitness goals.

5) Finding a Walking Companion - Tips for Recruiting a Walking Buddy

If you are looking to lose weight through walking, recruiting a friend with the same goal can be a great way to stay motivated and accountable. In addition to being an opportunity to catch up, walking with a friend can make the experience more enjoyable.

According to Dr. Bohl, walking with a friend may not necessarily result in burning more calories, but it can ensure that you actually go on your walk. The social aspect of walking with a friend can also add to the fun factor, while having a walking partner can help you commit to a daily walk and avoid skipping it in favor of unhealthy habits. Overall, finding a walking buddy can be a simple but effective way to stay on track with your weight loss goals.

6) Setting and Achieving Goals - Tips for Establishing a Clear Objective

When embarking on a weight loss journey, it's important to establish both an ultimate end goal and smaller milestones along the way.

According to Dr. Bohl, setting a goal for your weight loss journey may not necessarily result in burning more calories during your physical activities. However, having a clear objective can motivate you to achieve a specific number of steps each day. By doing so, you are less likely to skip a walk or another physical activity in favor of less healthy pursuits like watching TV. Overall, setting goals can help keep you focused and on track towards achieving your desired outcomes.

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