Do you often experience feelings of anxiety or have trouble calming your mind? You're not alone - according to research, nearly 80% of Americans share the same struggles. Fortunately, incorporating certain foods into your daily diet can help ease anxiety and support stress management. At the recent Food and Nutrition Conference EXPO, food brands displayed an array of products designed to alleviate stress and anxiety through diet. Here are some of the top choices for daily consumption, to help calm your nerves and build resilience to stress over time. For more tips, check out "Avoiding Stress-Induced Weight Gain: A Guide from Dietitians".

1) Focus Tea

Keep your mind clear and reduce anxiety by starting your day with Focus Tea. This caffeine-free tea contains spearmint, an ingredient that has been proven to improve focus due to its phenolic compounds. It also contains a clinically effective dose of spearmint to enhance concentration and memory. In addition, this minty tea can promote neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects, which can counter neuro-inflammation associated with anxiety disorders. Take Focus Tea with you on-the-go by packing these single-serving stick packs in your bag, simply mix with hot water for an instant spearmint herbal tea that will enhance your focus, attention and concentration, and help you stay calm.

2) Broc Shot

Take a daily Broc Shot to get a potent dose of sulforaphane, a naturally occurring antioxidant found in high concentration in broccoli sprouts. Sulforaphane acts as a prebiotic, promoting gut health and reducing inflammation linked to anxiety and depression. One Broc Shot is equivalent to eating ten pounds of raw broccoli, making it an easy and convenient way to get your daily dose. The pineapple + mint flavor is invigorating and you're guaranteed to see results or get your money back. No need for fridge space, simply take the shot cold or at room temperature.

3)Eggland's Best Eggs

Get a boost of stress-fighting choline and anxiety-relieving protein and tryptophan by starting your day with eggs or having them as a snack. Eggland's Best eggs provide extra benefits with double the omega-3s and six times the vitamin D compared to ordinary eggs, regulating neurotransmitters and helping you relax. Their vegetarian hen feed also results in twice the vitamin B12 for a healthy nervous system and ten times the vitamin E to combat oxidative stress linked to anxiety and depression. Maintain a sense of serenity by having Eggland's Best eggs daily, even if you have high cholesterol (limit to 4 yolks per week).

4) Flackers Crackers

Snack on flaxseed crackers in the mid-afternoon if you're feeling anxious. The crackers provide omega-3s from alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) that are linked to reduced risk of anxiety, depression, and cognitive issues. Perfect for those who don't regularly consume omega-3s from fish, the crackers also contain rosemary that has been proven to reduce anxiety and depression, improve memory and cognitive function, and enhance sleep. To further boost your omega-3 intake, top the crackers with smoked salmon from an ethical source.

5) Cal-Organic Hummus with Carrot Chips

Indulge in this velvety dip that not only tastes great but also has calming benefits. Made with chickpeas, this hummus is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps produce serotonin, the hormone responsible for good moods. Research suggests a link between anxiety and tryptophan depletion, but consuming hummus can help address this issue. The slow-burning carbs in hummus also aid tryptophan in reaching the brain. Keep Cal-Organic Hummus with Carrot Chips handy for a healthy, mood-boosting snack. Say goodbye to vending machine temptations and sugary snacks that cause blood sugar spikes and mood swings.

6) Liana's Organics Anxiety-Free Supplement

Relax and calm your nerves with Liana's Organics Anxiety Free, a daily dietary supplement packed with spirulina, chlorella, flaxseeds, turmeric, bilberries, and celery. These whole foods work together to provide anxiety-lowering benefits. Chlorella and spirulina are rich in magnesium and chlorophyll, which help lower anxiety levels. Flaxseeds, bilberries, and turmeric contain omega-3s, polyphenols, and curcumin, respectively, which also help to reduce anxiety and depression. The inclusion of ashwagandha, an adaptogen, in this supplement further helps to lower cortisol levels. Enjoy the ease of consumption and the powerful relaxation-promoting blend of this supplement.

7) Green Valley Lactose-Free Low-fat Kefir

Kefir is a tangy, fermented dairy drink with powerful probiotic benefits. Each serving contains billions of live and active cultures, making it effective in improving mood, reducing anxiety, and promoting gut health. Probiotics have been shown to help relieve stress and anxiety, and Green Valley's Kefir, made with 11 unique and complementary probiotics, is like a massage in a bottle. According to a Gallup poll, 8 out of 10 Americans report daily stress, and stress can negatively impact the microbiome. An imbalanced microbiome can also contribute to anxiety. Drink a glass of kefir daily to support a healthy gut and alleviate stress and anxiety.

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