By starting your day with calorie-burning activities, you'll keep the momentum going throughout the day. We talked with Victoria Brady, a personal trainer at Fyt, the leading provider of personal training services that makes professional fitness guidance accessible to everyone, who shares five steps to jump-start your day and support weight loss. Keep reading to find out more about Brady's effective morning routine and learn more about 5 Simple Daily Habits That Can Help You Lose a Significant Amount of Weight.

1) Flex Both Your Physical and Mental Muscles with This Practice

Instead of immediately reaching for your phone or getting up as soon as you wake, take a few moments to stretch and focus on mindfulness. This will prepare your body and mind for the day ahead. Stress can make weight loss even more difficult, as cortisol, a stress hormone, is associated with weight gain. But by engaging in stretching and mindfulness, you can reduce stress and increase your energy levels, according to Brady.

2) Consume Lemon Water or Tea

Start your day with a glass of lemon water "to activate your digestive system before having breakfast." Brady suggests that this helps your digestive system efficiently process your food throughout the day. Another option is to make a cup of warm ginger or lemon tea, both of which can also be beneficial.

3) Begin Your Day With a Nutritious Breakfast

Starting the day with a satisfying breakfast is crucial for providing you with energy and nourishment throughout the day. To break your fast, make sure your breakfast includes both fiber and protein to reduce cravings and increase your metabolism. It doesn't have to be a large meal; even a protein smoothie or a bowl of oatmeal with berries and nuts can suffice, according to Brady.

4) Incorporate Physical Activity Into Your Daily Routine

According to Brady, when she was losing over 100 pounds, she developed the habit of exercising first thing in the morning to avoid making excuses later in the day. This required waking up earlier, but it made her more consistent and gave her more energy throughout the day. Additionally, you can maximize fat burn by doing cardio in the morning before having breakfast while in a fasted state. However, if you're looking to build muscle, it's better to work out later in the day when your body has more energy.

5) Plan Your Meals for the Day Ahead

If meal prepping is not your thing or seems too time-consuming, don't worry. You can still incorporate some meal planning into your morning routine to achieve rapid weight loss. Brady suggests being intentional with your meals and planning them out for the day. By having a plan, you are less likely to make unhealthy choices due to hunger or impulse, and more likely to opt for lower-calorie, nutrient-dense options.

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