Here are some foods and drinks that cause abdominal fat.


Commercially made pastries contain lots of sugar and are high in calories. Croissants, quick breads, and muffins have trans-fats, an inflammatory nutrient that can cause belly fat. Try homemade pastries, as they’re much healthier.

White Bread

White bread isn’t nutritious and has added sugar and low fiber. Opt for whole meal bread instead.


Hard to believe, but this common breakfast staple can cause belly fat. Cereals with added sugar and no fiber are the main culprits to avoid. The extra sugar causes inflammation and belly fat, as well as disrupting your gut microbiome.


This crunchy, salty snack can cause belly fat and inflammation due to its high sodium content.

Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn is another cause of belly fat and inflammation. Although it contains lots of fiber, it has too much sodium and trans-fats. It’s also buttered and flavored.


Too much soda increases inflammation, which leads to insulin resistance. Soda has empty calories, which can cause weight gain.

Mixed Drinks

Most sugary alcoholic drinks can induce inflammation. If that’s the case, you should avoid them and consume soft drinks.

Meal Replacement Bars

Meal replacement bars have added sugar, which can cause inflammation and body fat. They rarely have much fiber and may contain trans-fats.

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