Read on to learn more.

Eggs for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner!

Eggs are packed with nutrition. Containing 6 grams of protein, vitamin D, beneficial for bone health, choline, and helpful for the metabolism and brain function, eggs are a critical component of a healthy diet. Eggs are versatile, making them easy to incorporate into your diet. You can make egg tacos, use eggs in pizza or muffins, cook one and put it on toast, use eggs to make wraps, or have yourself an egg salad. Not feeling creative? Boil and eat them plain. The options are limitless.

Add Broccoli to Your Meals

Maybe it wasn't your favorite thing to eat as a kid. Still, broccoli is high in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and vitamin K. Let's admit it, not enough people include broccoli in their diet. But there are many ways that you can incorporate the vegetable into a meal without it being bland. You can try broccoli pizza, add some cheese sauce, make broccoli and noodles, or roast broccoli with garlic sauce.

Oatmeal for a Sweet Snack

Craving for something sweet? Try oatmeal. It's a delicious way to get a bunch of helpful nutrients and antioxidants like fiber, manganese, copper, and vitamin B. Oatmeal helps manage cholesterol levels and blood sugars. Plus, it keeps you feeling full for longer. Add whatever toppings you like, honey, blueberries, and bananas. Try different ways to switch it up so you don't get bored with the flavor.

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