Embarking on your weight loss journey or trying out a new fitness routine can be a bit daunting for beginners. The anxiety of starting fresh might even keep you away from the gym altogether. However, it's crucial to remember that everyone starts as a beginner, and taking that initial step is often the most challenging part of the process. Embrace your beginner status with confidence, knowing that progress awaits you!
To make your fitness journey smoother, having a well-structured game plan is essential. That's where Chrisi Moutopoulos, the personal training regional manager at GYMGUYZ, comes in. She has designed the ultimate beginner-friendly workout to help you achieve a toned upper body.
If slimming down and sculpting your physique seem like lofty goals, don't worry. Moutopoulos curated this workout with beginners in mind, ensuring you receive the proper support you need. By incorporating these simple exercises into your routine two to three times a week and making appropriate dietary adjustments, you'll be on your way to achieving a lean and toned upper body. Remember to complement the workout with a healthy diet, including plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.
The best part is that you can perform this expert-backed workout at home, even if you don't have a gym membership or wish to avoid extra expenses. Just grab a set of light weights and get started. Aim for three sets of 10 to 12 reps if you're using heavier weights, or four sets of 15 to 20 reps with lighter weights. With dedication and consistency, you'll be well on your way to the fit figure you desire.
A 15-Minute Total-Body Workout: Perfecting Bicep Curls, Lateral Raises, Bent-Over Rows, Chest Press & Chest Flys
For a comprehensive total-body workout, incorporating key exercises like bicep curls, lateral raises, bent-over rows, chest press, and chest flys can be highly effective. Chrisi Moutopoulos, a fitness expert, sheds light on how to perform these exercises with precision and get the most out of your workout routine.
1) Bicep Curls:

Start by standing tall, holding a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing forward. Keep your shoulders relaxed, engage your core, and bend your elbows as you curl the weights up toward your chest. It's crucial to ensure your elbows stay close to the sides of your body during the movement. Lower the weights back to the starting position with control.
Pro tip: To work your forearms and triceps more, try hammer curls with a thumbs-up grip.
2) Lateral Raises:

Maintain a controlled range of motion for lateral raises, limiting it to shoulder or eye height. Hold a dumbbell in each hand by your sides while standing tall. Slowly lift the weights out to the sides until they reach shoulder height, and then gradually lower them back down.
Pro tip: Keep your wrists below your shoulders throughout the exercise.
3) Bent-Over Rows:

For the dumbbell bent-over row, position yourself with your right hand and knee firmly on a workout bench, ensuring your back remains straight. Hold a dumbbell in your left hand, fully extended. Pull the weight up toward your chest in a rowing motion and then lower it back down to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
4) Chest Press & Chest Flys:

You can perform the chest press and chest flys either on a workout bench or on the ground. For the chest press, lie flat on the workout bench, gripping a dumbbell in each hand. Press your shoulders into the bench and extend your arms over your body. Slowly lower the weights toward your chest and then press them back up without locking out your arms.
Pro tip: To emphasize the chest muscles, ensure the dumbbells are in line with your nipple line during the exercise.
Incorporating these exercises into your routine will contribute significantly to your overall fitness goals. Remember to perform each movement with proper form and control to maximize the benefits and minimize the risk of injury. Happy exercising!