Trader Joe's is renowned for its delectable frozen meals and delectable bakery treats, but don't overlook the treasure trove that is its cheese section. While you can certainly find staples like fresh mozzarella and cheddar, this beloved retailer also offers an array of unique and intriguing options that will take your charcuterie board to new heights. Prepare to be tantalized by cheeses inspired by pizza bread or infused with the fiery heat of Scotch bonnet chilis.

Navigating the vast assortment of cheeses at Trader Joe's can be overwhelming for those not well-versed in the diverse world of fromage. Thankfully, a seasoned professional cheesemonger recently took to TikTok to impart her wisdom on selecting the finest cheeses and to share her personal favorites available at Trader Joe's. The TikToker, known as @athomemonger, draws on a decade of experience in the industry, having served as a buyer and manager for cheese departments.

The expert cheesemonger revealed that authentic cheeses typically contain only a handful of ingredients, such as milk, rennet, salt, and enzymes. At Trader Joe's, she pointed out that the pre-cut selections are typically situated at the bottom, where you'll find a wealth of imported cheeses with minimal additives.

Without further ado, here are the exceptional Trader Joe's cheeses highly recommended by the knowledgeable cheesemonger and the reasons behind her fondness for each selection:

Belletoile Triple Crème Brie: While she acknowledged its "basic" nature, the TikToker praised Belletoile's rendition of this soft, creamy cheese, recommending it for a simple snack or as an addition to any plate.

Saint André Triple Crème Brie: Described as a "classic," this cheese from Saint André is renowned for its intense richness, decadence, and creamy texture—a must-try for Brie enthusiasts.

Roquefort Societe: For those seeking a bold and robust blue cheese, the TikToker suggested Roquefort Societe. Warning of its pungent aroma, she recommended it to those who desire a sharper blue cheese experience.

Iberico Cheese: If you're in search of a fantastic Manchego substitute, the cheesemonger recommended Iberico Cheese. Made in Spain, this nutty, tangy, and slightly sweet cheese is a delightful alternative.

Mini Basque Cheese: Those seeking a milder alternative to Iberico Cheese but still craving a flavor profile akin to Manchego should consider the Mini Basque Cheese. It offers a gentler taste while maintaining a similar essence.

Le Gruyère: Originating from Switzerland, Le Gruyère is a creamy, salty, and nutty cheese. Trader Joe's imports this delectable variety, as indicated by the prestigious AOP (Appellation d'Origine Protégée) stamp that guarantees its geographic origin and exceptional quality.

Comté Cheese: Similar to Gruyère, Trader Joe's Comté Cheese also boasts the AOP stamp, assuring customers of its authenticity and superior quality. Comté Cheese is a delightful addition to any cheese platter.

Beecher's Flagship: Praised as one of the few domestic cheeses that the cheesemonger truly loves, Beecher's Flagship is an aged, semi-hard cow's milk cheese. It shines in various culinary applications, including snacking, grilled cheese, mac and cheese, or simply as a pantry staple.

Boucheron: Even the cheesemonger expressed surprise at finding Boucheron, a mild and soft-ripened goat cheese, in Trader Joe's inventory. With its edible rind and delicate flavor, Boucheron is an excellent choice for goat cheese enthusiasts.

While these cheesemonger-recommended options are certainly worth exploring, Trader Joe's customers often share their own favorite cheeses. In March, shoppers raved about the spreadable version of Trader Joe's popular Unexpected Cheddar—a creamy, slightly crumbly cheese with the delightful taste of aged cheddar and parmesan.

Indulge in the world of exceptional cheeses at Trader Joe's, where there's a tantalizing option to satisfy every palate.

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