In an ever-evolving beverage landscape, where chlorophyll water and CBD-infused coffee vie for attention, a new contender has emerged—the adaptogen drink. As these function-forward beverages gain traction, you may have caught wind of their potential effects and unique properties while perusing your social media feed or strolling through a natural grocery store. Whether you're already familiar with adaptogen drinks or simply intrigued by this intriguing new drink segment, here's everything you need to know.

Unveiling the World of Adaptogenic Drinks

Captivating in their colorful packaging and stylish fonts, these beverages harness the potency of functional plants and mushrooms known as "adaptogens." While these ingredients have been integral to Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, the term "adaptogen" was coined in 1947 by Soviet scientist Nikolai Lazarev. Renowned for their ability to uplift mood, combat fatigue, improve sleep, and alleviate stress and anxiety, adaptogens possess remarkable properties that aid the mind and body in adapting to various situations.

"Adaptogens function like a thermostat," explains Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT, and Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT, also known as the Nutrition Twins. "If the body is overwhelmed and on high alert due to stress, adaptogens help regulate and induce relaxation. On the other hand, if the body is low on energy, they provide a much-needed boost."

Some popular adaptogens include:

  • Ginseng: Known for fighting fatigue and increasing energy levels.
  • Ashwagandha: Found to help lower stress and anxiety.
  • Lion's Mane Mushroom: Linked to increased cognitive function.

As the demand for alcohol substitutes continues to soar—with sales of no- and low-alcohol products surpassing $11 billion in 2022—several adaptogenic drink brands are positioning themselves as alternatives to alcoholic beverages.

"In light of recent events, our reliance on ethanol as a coping mechanism has shifted. We now seek a natural remedy that enhances and balances the body's chemistry instead of suppressing its functions," shares Nick Bodkins, co-founder and CEO of Boisson, a non-alcoholic beverage retailer.

However, the infusion of adaptogens is not limited to mocktails alone. These plant-based substances are making their way into coffees, teas, smoothies, and sparkling water, offering a diverse range of adaptogenic options for consumers.

Exploring Potential Risks

While adaptogenic drinks boast potential benefits, it's important to recognize that individual reactions can vary, caution the Nutrition Twins. "While some individuals may experience a sense of calm from adaptogens, others may encounter headaches or other adverse reactions," they explain.

They highlight that due to the lack of regulation, these products may not contain the claimed adaptogens as advertised by the brand. Moreover, the amount of adaptogens present might not be sufficient to yield the desired effects, resulting in inadequate benefits, or conversely, excessive amounts that could lead to negative reactions.

"It's crucial to understand that natural doesn't always equate to risk-free," emphasizes Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, registered dietitian and author of The First Time Mom's Pregnancy Cookbook and Fueling Male Fertility.

Both Manaker and the Nutrition Twins advise individuals on prescription medications to consult their doctors before trying any adaptogenic drink to ensure there are no potential adverse interactions.

"Pregnant individuals should also verify the safety of consuming adaptogens during pregnancy, as extensive studies on this population are limited," adds Manaker.

Which Drinks to Consider?

Given the plethora of adaptogenic drink options available, I embarked on a journey to explore different brands targeting various effects, including stress relief and enhanced focus. To help you navigate the array of products on the shelves, here's a roundup of seven adaptogenic drinks currently on the market, categorized into alcohol alternatives, powders, and sparkling waters.

Non-Alcoholic Alternatives

De Soi Champignon Dreams: A Relaxing Sparkling Apéritif

De Soi, a brand co-founded by Katy Perry and award-winning distiller Morgan MacLachlan, introduces a delightful line of sparkling non-alcoholic apéritifs that harness the power of natural adaptogens to provide a soothing effect for those seeking a stress-free nightcap. The brand offers three distinct flavors: Golden Hour, Purple Lune, and Champignon Dreams.

My personal choice from the lineup was Champignon Dreams, which pleasantly surprised me with its earthy flavor, initially sweet but leaving a bitter aftertaste. Crafted with a blend of apricot, strawberry, black currant, and grapefruit juice, this mocktail also features the infusion of reishi mushroom, passionflower, and L-theanine.

In terms of the effects, I observed a sense of calm and tranquility within an hour after consuming just half a can. While I'm uncertain if it was due to the timing of consumption, I also noticed a mild inclination towards sleepiness. Although initially skeptical about whether these sensations were influenced by the placebo effect, there was indeed a noticeable difference in how I felt after enjoying this drink.

Kin Euphorics Kin Bloom: A Nourishing and Stress-Relieving Blend

Kin Bloom, part of the non-alcoholic beverage line created by Jen Batchelor and model Bella Hadid, focuses on utilizing ingredients that promote overall well-being of the mind and body.

After sampling several canned drinks for their flavors, I decided to explore the effects of Kin Bloom. This particular beverage aims to alleviate stress and induce a calmer state of mind, containing ingredients such as schisandra, damiana, and L-theanine. Its taste reminded me of a delightful fusion between a sweeter rosé and a hard cider, accentuated by notes of berry.

Regarding the effects, I chose to enjoy this drink during a period of heightened stress. Within approximately 20 minutes, I felt a considerable ease and an overall sense of calm. It was as if I had adapted to the circumstances, finding solace in the moment.

Peak Cocktails Blood Orange Spritz: Promoting Fitness Recovery and Mental Clarity

Peak Cocktails presents a range of alcohol-free cocktails designed to aid fitness recovery while supporting mood, sleep, and mental clarity. The cocktails are available in two flavors: Blood Orange Spritz and Passion Fruit Margarita. These beverages incorporate a blend of ingredients known for their physical and mental health benefits. Notably, tart cherry, renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, pain relief post-exercise, and sleep improvement, takes the spotlight alongside ashwagandha and L-theanine.

Sharing a can of the Blood Orange Spritz with a friend, we savored its lightly carbonated, citrusy profile, complemented by subtle hints of ginger spice. Although neither of us experienced immediate effects after consuming half a can, I decided to pour myself another half a few hours later, around 8 p.m. Surprisingly, that was the tipping point, as I began to feel notably relaxed. In fact, I found myself feeling especially drowsy by 9 p.m., earlier than my typical bedtime.

Powders: A Convenient Adaptogenic Boost

Moon Juice Brain Dust: Targeting Stress for Enhanced Mental Stamina

Moon Juice offers a collection of adaptogenic "dusts," each intended to address different areas such as focus, mood, sleep, and energy.

One morning, I decided to explore the benefits of Brain Dust, which comes packaged in a small sachet boasting its ability to target stress and support mental stamina, alertness, and concentration.

The ingredient list prominently features Lion's Mane Mushroom, known for its potential cognitive health benefits. Brain Dust also incorporates other brain-boosting ingredients like maca root, astragalus root, and rhodiola.

As the flavor is described as "malty and bitter," I chose to mix the Brain Dust into a chai latte. While the powder gave the beverage a more earthy and slightly bitter taste than usual, the sweetness of the chai latte balanced out the flavor profile.

While I personally didn't notice a significant change in my focus or energy levels after consuming this concoction just once, our Deputy Editor Jordan Powers Willard, an avid user of Moon Juice products, shared her positive experience. She found that mixing Brain Dust with her decaf coffee every morning over a few days made her feel "more focused and alert, yet calm and relaxed."

Renude Chaga Matcha: A Refreshing Adaptogenic Blend

Renude presents two adaptogenic drink powders, Chagaccino and Chaga Matcha, harnessing the benefits of chaga mushrooms. The brand highlights chaga mushrooms' ability to support immunity, promote anti-aging, and provide an energy boost without any residual jitters.

As someone who avoids coffee, I decided to try the Chaga Matcha, blending it with oat milk for an invigorating afternoon pick-me-up, which I shared with a friend. The vibrant green color distinguished it from other matcha drinks I've had in the past. The flavor struck a pleasant balance, with subtle sweetness and earthiness, devoid of any grassy notes. Thanks to the natural sweeteners, monkfruit, and erythritol, no additional sweeteners were required.

As for the effects, I definitely felt a sense of relaxation after consuming the Chaga Matcha. While I didn't notice a dramatic increase in my focus, I did realize that I was more engaged in my work throughout the day without experiencing the jittery feeling that caffeine sometimes induces. Moreover, my friend reported heightened focus while working and a sense of relaxation whenever she took a break from her computer. I intend to give Chaga Matcha another try to observe any potential changes in my focus, and also because I find the flavor truly delightful.

Sparkling Waters

Recess Mood Lime Citrus: A Calming and Uplifting Blend

Recess' Mood line of sparkling waters aims to soothe the mind and elevate the mood by infusing magnesium and adaptogens into their beverages. The drinks feature a unique blend of L-theanine, lemon balm, and a proprietary magnesium mixture, particularly highlighting magnesium L-threonate, which has been associated with anxiety reduction.

My first choice from their collection was the Lime Citrus flavor, crafted with a combination of lime and lemon zest, along with concentrated lime, lemon, and orange juice. The taste was refreshing, citrusy, and tangy, reminiscent of the notes found in kombucha. Within approximately 20 minutes of consuming half a can, I noticed a subtle sense of relaxation settling in.

Heywell Calm + Restore Blackberry Ginger: Striking the Perfect Balance

Heywell introduces a range of sparkling waters that harness the power of adaptogens and antioxidants to support various bodily functions. With five different varieties available, these beverages are tailored to boost energy, enhance immunity, improve focus, and alleviate stress.

Among all the adaptogenic drinks I sampled, the Heywell Calm + Restore Blackberry Ginger stood out as my favorite. This drink is formulated with stress-reducing ingredients like L-theanine, lemon balm, schisandra, and amla berry, designed to promote a sense of well-being, tranquility, and restoration. The flavor profile struck a harmonious balance between sweetness and tartness, without overpowering either element. I also noticed that the calming effect took hold rather swiftly—within less than 10 minutes of starting to drink it. I experienced a pleasant and slightly more pronounced relaxation sensation in my mind compared to my experience with Recess Mood.

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