Someone who’s constipated usually only has up to three bowel movements in a week. And when they do try to pass a stool, it’s difficult or there’s an incomplete evacuation.

Read on to learn more about foods which might clog up your system.


As disappointing as this may be to chocolate lovers, overindulging could clog up your system. Chocolate has high-fat content which slows digestion and the movement of food in your bowel.

Fried Foods

Fried foods are low in fiber but high in salt and fat. If you’re eating too many fried foods, your fiber intake will most likely be low.

Red Meat

High in fat, no fiber, and salty, it’s easy to see why red meat is a cause of constipation.


Believe it or not, alcohol constipates you when taken in excess. Your gut needs a lot of water to process waste, and alcohol is dehydrating.

White Bread

Since white bread doesn’t have much fiber and is made with refined flour, it will clog up your system if eaten in excess. White bread also dehydrates you because of the extra sugar and sodium content.


If you’re lactose intolerant, dairy can cause constipation.

Potato Chips

This popular snack contains a lot of salt which is dehydrating. Salt pulls water away from your gut and slows down your bowel movements.

Common Symptoms

Common symptoms of constipation include discomfort, stomach pain, and bloating. There is chronic constipation where you’d need medical assistance, or temporary constipation due to not drinking enough fluids, a poor exercise regime, or eating certain bad foods to excess. Consult your doctor if you experience persistent symptoms.

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