When striving for weight loss, your first instinct may lead you to reassess your grocery list, fridge, and pantry. While understanding which foods to include is crucial, navigating those to avoid can be challenging. We consulted with The Nutrition Twins®, Tammy Lakatos Shames, RD, CDN, CFT, and Lyssie Lakatos, RD, CDN, CFT, esteemed members of our Medical Expert Board, who unveil 10 surprising foods you should incorporate for weight loss.

"The foods listed here offer various means of satisfaction, a vital element in staving off hunger and fostering weight-loss triumph," elucidate The Nutrition Twins. "Whether it's through fiber, protein, creaminess, or triggering specific satiety mechanisms in the body, these items offer satiety while remaining relatively low in calories."

Continue reading to discover the 10 foods you should include in your diet for effective weight loss.

1) Nutritious, Rich Comfort Dishes

Indulging in your beloved comfort foods can be deeply comforting. According to The Nutrition Twins, creamy comfort foods are among the most craved culinary delights. However, when aiming to trim down, they often become the first casualties.

"After all, classics like mashed potatoes, sour cream, and creamy pasta dishes can pack quite the caloric punch," note The Nutrition Twins. "Unfortunately, cutting them out can lead to feelings of deprivation, ultimately derailing your healthy eating efforts. Incorporating healthier versions of creamy comfort foods can prevent this, ensuring you stay on track with your weight-loss goals."

They encourage exploring alternatives to satisfy those cravings. Consider experimenting with options like oatmeal, avocado, creamy soups enriched with cannellini beans instead of heavy cream, hummus, and a light spinach dip.

2) Indulgent, Healthier Dessert Delights

Sweet, luxurious desserts are often craved, but are commonly eliminated when following a diet.

"This approach often leads to failure because people find it challenging to resist their favorite treats for extended periods. Eventually, they give in to the temptation, indulging in the desserts they've been denying themselves," elucidate The Nutrition Twins. "The key to sustained weight loss is incorporating decadent yet healthy desserts. This way, your taste buds remain satisfied without feeling deprived, all while maintaining progress towards your weight loss goals."

3) Smooth, Creamy Peanut Spread

Let's set the record straight: peanuts and peanut butter can actually aid in your weight-loss journey when enjoyed in moderation! Packed with fiber and plant-based protein, peanut butter provides a satisfyingly filling snack that helps curb unhealthy cravings and prevents overindulgence.

"Moreover, incorporating peanuts into your meal routine may contribute to weight loss," add The Nutrition Twins. "A study published in Nutrients in 2022 revealed that starting two meals per day with lightly salted peanuts can lead to weight loss, reduced blood pressure, and improved fasting blood sugar levels. So don't hesitate to sprinkle a handful of peanuts or a dollop of peanut butter into your oatmeal, smoothie, or yogurt, or spread it on a slice of whole-grain toast or an apple."

4) Potatoes

Certainly, indulging in greasy French fries and tater tots won't do any favors for your weight-loss journey, but that doesn't mean all potatoes should be condemned!

"Boiled potatoes reign supreme on the Satiety Index, topping the list as the most filling food tested. This makes them a vital ally in curbing hunger and preventing overeating," highlight The Nutrition Twins. "Moreover, potatoes contain proteinase inhibitor 2 (PI2), a protein that research suggests may help suppress appetite. Additionally, cooked, unpeeled potatoes serve as a rich source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber—essential nutrients that many Americans fall short on meeting the daily recommended intake for."

When incorporating potatoes into your diet, stick to a moderate serving size of a three-ounce potato per meal. This way, you can enjoy the satisfying carbohydrates without veering off track from your weight-loss goals.

5) Bitter Leafy Greens

Commencing a meal with bitter leafy greens like dandelion greens, arugula, or watercress provides a fiber-rich, low-calorie foundation. This approach aids in reducing overall calorie intake during meals while simultaneously invigorating your digestive system.

"As the bitterness of these greens stimulates your taste buds, it jumpstarts digestion, facilitating enhanced absorption of vital nutrients crucial for overall health, including maintaining a brisk metabolism," disclose The Nutrition Twins. "Trader Joe's offers convenient pre-washed bags of arugula and herb salads containing parsley and other bitter herbs, simplifying the process of incorporating them into your meals with ease."

6) Green Tea

Although it's a beverage, green tea deserves a prominent spot on this roster for accelerating your weight-loss endeavors.

"Green tea not only offers warmth and comfort but also helps quell hunger pangs," note The Nutrition Twins. "Moreover, it boasts the potent catechin epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has been shown to enhance calorie and fat burning. The caffeine content in green tea contributes to its fat-burning properties, and research suggests that EGCG and caffeine collaborate synergistically to ignite the body's fat-burning mechanisms."

7) Fatty Fish

Rich in protein, fatty fish such as salmon and sardines rank among the finest sources to nourish your body. Additionally, their omega-3 fatty acids contribute to satiety, warding off hunger cravings.

"Omega-3 fats not only support heart health but also combat inflammation, a factor that can impede weight loss progress," emphasize The Nutrition Twins. "Furthermore, research indicates that omega-3 fats can reduce visceral fat. Fatty fish serve as an excellent protein source, particularly beneficial for individuals seeking alternatives to meat in their diet."

8) Hot Pepper (Capsaicin)

Add a spicy kick to your weight-loss regimen with hot pepper, also known as capsaicin. It seamlessly complements a variety of dishes, including eggs, pasta, rice, and seafood.

"Studies reveal that capsaicin amplifies the production of GLP-1, the same hunger-suppressing hormone mimicked by Ozempic," share The Nutrition Twins. "Furthermore, research indicates that capsaicin, the active component in hot peppers, heightens fat burning and energy expenditure, potentially aiding in belly fat reduction. Capsaicin also appears to activate brown fat, a metabolically active fat type that promotes fat burning."

9) Pea Protein Powder

Pea protein powder presents a potent blend for promoting weight loss. Its combination of fiber and protein works synergistically to keep you feeling satiated, maintain steady energy levels, and stabilize blood sugar levels.

"Say farewell to energy crashes and blood sugar fluctuations that often trigger cravings for sugary and salty snacks, leading to unwanted calorie intake from vending machines and unplanned snacks," explain The Nutrition Twins. "Moreover, pea protein has shown efficacy in supporting weight loss even without calorie restriction, and research suggests it may outperform whey protein in curbing hunger."

10) Purple/Red Cabbage

Last but certainly not least, our compilation of weight-loss-friendly foods concludes with red or purple cabbage.

"Not only does this sweet and crunchy vegetable offer a mere 28 calories per chopped cup, but it also packs 2 grams of satiating fiber," explain The Nutrition Twins. "Moreover, red or purple cabbage belongs to the cruciferous family, known for its abundance of sulfur-containing antioxidants called glucosinolates. Research indicates that these antioxidants possess anti-inflammatory properties, which are pivotal for weight loss. Lowering inflammation is crucial in facilitating weight loss and preventing weight gain."

Furthermore, cabbage serves as an exceptional source of fiber and phytosterols, both crucial for maintaining regularity and fostering a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria in your gut microbiome. "A balanced microbiome is associated with a lower body weight, underscoring its significance," emphasize The Nutrition Twins.

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