Read on to find out.

Banana Calories

No matter the size of the banana, they’re a low-calorie fruit. Smaller bananas will contain about 70 calories, while bigger sizes can contain up to 135. In comparison, a cup of seedless grapes contains 130 calories.

Most of these calories come from a banana’s high carb count – over 90% to be precise. Larger bananas contain about 35 grams of carbs. While carbs may give you pause for thought regarding weight loss, they are essential to giving you an energy boost, providing sugars, and keeping you full. This makes them an excellent breakfast fruit.

Rather than spike your blood sugar with unhealthy carb snacks, balance it out with some vitamin-enriched fruit.

Ripe vs. Unripe

Unripe bananas have a reputation for being a lot tougher and less sweet. This is due to their higher resistant starch content. While indigestible, they promote better gut health by providing your body with more fiber.

Over time, a banana will ripen and these starches will transform into sugars. The sweeter fruit will taste better and give you a more immediate energy boost. However, this will translate to more immediate calories than their green cousins. The sugars may be great for energy, but diabetics should take care when consuming bananas.

Other Benefits

If you’re still worried about the relatively low calorie count of a banana, consider all the other benefits of this fruit. In addition to fiber, a single banana can offer 12% of your recommended daily potassium intake. They also contain vitamin C for your immune system, and magnesium for healthy muscles and bones.

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