As bright blue skies and warm temperatures usher in many people's favorite season, it's time to embrace summer activities like boating, barbecues, and sunbathing. Whether you're planning to hit the water, try new outdoor sports, or embark on travel adventures, it's never too late to reassess your diet. With a few key tips, you can gear up for a summer of fun while prioritizing your health and well-being. We've consulted with experts to bring you the 25 best ways to achieve weight loss goals by summer.

The winter months often bring unwanted pounds, thanks to reduced outdoor activity and tempting indoor snacks. Don't wait to take action. Start now to shed those extra pounds and feel your best in time for swimsuit season and beyond.

Keep reading to discover the top 25 strategies for achieving your weight loss goals by summer.

1) A Daily Goal Of 10,000 Steps

According to Emily Nelson, CPT, a nutritionist, and C4 Energy Brand Ambassador, it's highly advisable to aim for 10,000 steps every day. "By incorporating more daily steps, you not only boost calorie expenditure but also mitigate the risk of overtraining associated with intense cardio," she advises.

2) Three To Five Weight Training Sessions Per Week

In the realm of weight loss, incorporating strength training and working with weights is paramount. "Resistance training plays a crucial role in elevating your metabolism over the long term and contributes to reshaping your body composition as you shed fat," elaborates Nelson.

3) Eat More Protein

Increasing your protein intake can extend the feeling of fullness and reduce the likelihood of muscle loss during weight loss.

Nelson advises, "I suggest consuming one gram of protein per pound of your target body weight. For instance, if your goal is to lose 25 pounds and reach 160 pounds, aim for a daily intake of 160 grams of protein."

4) Drink Lots Of Water

When experiencing dehydration, it's typical to crave sugary drinks and snacks. That's why it's crucial to stay adequately hydrated by consuming plenty of water. "Drinking water enhances the accuracy of your hunger signals and promotes regularity in bowel movements," notes Nelson.

5) Add Fiber To Meals

Fiber offers a plethora of benefits, particularly during weight loss efforts. It aids in maintaining regular bowel movements and promotes prolonged satiety post-meal. Opting for fresh fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to increase your fiber intake. Nelson suggests aiming for a daily consumption of 30 grams of fiber.

6) Sleep For 7-9 Hours Nightly

You might not realize it, but a restful night's sleep plays a significant role in supporting your weight loss journey. Nelson advocates for achieving a consistent seven to nine hours of sleep nightly.

"Quality sleep is essential for recovery and maintaining high energy levels during your weight loss journey," she emphasizes. "A lack of sleep often leads to increased cravings and impulsive snacking rather than structured meals."

7) Reduce The Alcoholic And Sugary Drinks

While your favorite soda or glass of wine may be tempting, it's important to be mindful of the calories they can add to your daily intake.

"It's effortless to consume excess calories when starting your day with a 700-calorie Starbucks frappe or indulging in alcohol on the weekends," notes Nelson.

8) Choose Your Veggies Wisely

Certain vegetables contain lower levels of starch than others. Consider incorporating non-starchy, nutrient-rich, fiber-packed vegetables such as artichokes, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, hot peppers, and eggplant into your shopping list to accelerate your weight loss journey.

9) Journal Calories

Nelson advises diligently tracking your daily calorie intake. "Determine the calorie requirement to maintain your current weight, then subtract 300 to 800 calories from that figure," she suggests. "A deficit of 500 calories will result in losing one pound per week."

10) Have Breakfast

Your mom was right: breakfast truly is crucial! It provides the energy you need, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and sets the tone for your day, helping you avoid unhealthy snacking. What's more, research indicates that a nutritious breakfast can aid in weight loss.

Of course, this doesn't entail indulging in a massive stack of pancakes. Opt for a weight-loss-friendly breakfast option like Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries, a comforting bowl of oats topped with peanut butter and hemp hearts, or a veggie-packed omelet.

11) Exercise

It's no surprise: make sure to carve out time in your daily schedule for exercise. This might involve attending a yoga class, adding an extra run to your routine, practicing Pilates, or even squeezing in a quick home workout.

"Consistent physical activity not only boosts your mood but also helps you make healthier food choices," notes Lisa Young, Ph.D., RDN, author of "Finally Full, Finally Slim," a practicing nutritionist, and a valued member of our Medical Expert Board. "Choose activities you enjoy to enhance motivation and maintain consistency. With a combination of exercise and a balanced diet, you'll be ready for summer."

12) Maintain A Balanced Diet

Avoid processed and unhealthy foods whenever possible. Instead, prioritize meals rich in lean protein, vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. Young advises, "Minimize reliance on takeout, as it frequently contains excessive amounts of unhealthy fats and sodium."

13) Stay Conscious Of Your Calorie Intake.

Calories vary in nutritional value. For instance, a 100-calorie package of nuts offers more nutrients than a 100-calorie ice cream bar. Similarly, opting for 100 calories of fresh vegetables over 100 calories of potato chips is a much healthier choice.

14) Practice Portion Control

Portion sizes can easily escalate, resulting in excess calorie consumption. One effective strategy is to routinely use smaller plates for meals. Young emphasizes, "Even overindulgence in nutritious options like healthy fats and smoothies can contribute to weight gain."

15) Keep A Record Of Your Meals.

Snap photos of your meals to create a convenient reference of your eating habits. This method offers a fantastic way to monitor your food choices and portion sizes effectively.

16) Establish A Strategy For Your Weight Loss Journey.

Create a roadmap for your weight loss journey, allowing you to integrate a new routine and gradually adopt healthier habits. "This approach can boost motivation and empower you to achieve your goals," suggests Young. "You can allocate time for exercise and devise a meal plan to support a nutritious diet."

17) Instead Of Removing Snacks, Opt For Healthier Options.

Not all snacks are equal. It's crucial not to deprive yourself entirely of the snacks and foods you enjoy, as this approach can lead to setbacks. Instead, ensure that you include snacks on your shopping list and have healthy options readily available for when cravings strike.

18) Begin By Incorporating Small Habits.

You never want to overwhelm yourself, especially when embarking on a journey toward a healthier lifestyle. Dr. Amy Lee, chief medical officer for Lindora, advises starting with small habits that can yield significant results.

"For example, spend a week simply putting on your gym clothes. Then gradually progress to taking short walks for 15 minutes, then increase to 30 minutes," she suggests.

19) Eat Soup Before Meals

Soup lovers rejoice! Studies reveal that consuming low-calorie soups prior to meals can positively impact your food intake. This healthy practice can reduce your overall calorie consumption by up to 20%. Opt for broth-based soups and ensure they contain no more than 100 to 150 calories.

20) Reduce Your Fast Food Intake By 25% Each Week

This tip may pose a challenge for some, but even a 25% reduction in fast food orders each week can significantly boost your weight-loss journey. According to Dr. Lee, "If you typically dine out for lunch five days a week, consider swapping one meal for a homemade option."

21) Select A Podcast On Mindset And Growth

Podcasts offer valuable insights and motivation during your weight-loss journey. When aiming for your 10,000 steps, Dr. Lee suggests selecting a podcast that resonates with you, whether it delves into calorie-cutting tips or provides fitness motivation. These podcasts are brimming with helpful ideas to keep you inspired and on track.

22) Eat Before Social Gatherings

A simple yet effective habit is to consume nutritious foods before heading out to social events. By already feeling satisfied, you're less likely to overeat and won't succumb to unhealthy choices.

23) Reduce Your Consumption Of Late Night Snacks

Many late-night snacks stem from boredom rather than hunger. Dr. Lee advises eliminating this detrimental habit from your routine as soon as possible. If you find yourself needing a snack late at night, opt for healthier choices like cherries, kiwi, popcorn, or homemade yogurt bark.

24) Engage With Social Media Accounts That Promote Healthy Eating And Overall Wellness.

Let's face it: social media scrolling is a common pastime. Make the most of your time by following a variety of wellness and healthy eating accounts. This can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation to make further improvements to your daily lifestyle, as well as discovering healthy recipes that resonate with you.

25) Chew Your Food More

Dr. Lee advises prioritizing mindful eating by dedicating more time to chewing. Aim to chew for at least 30 to 40 minutes per meal, allowing you to fully appreciate the flavors and textures of the foods you consume.

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