Walking is one of the simplest and most accessible exercises, yet it's incredibly effective for burning calories. If you're looking to elevate your walking routine, there's a simple way to do it: pick up the pace. Increasing your walking speed helps you burn more calories and improve fitness without needing extra workout time. Whether you're strolling through the neighborhood or hitting the treadmill, walking faster can make a big difference.

The beauty of increasing your speed is that it raises your heart rate, engages more muscles, and boosts energy expenditure. You don’t have to sprint to see benefits—just a little extra effort can lead to noticeable results. Walking faster also challenges your cardiovascular system and builds stamina, making it a great addition to any weight-loss or fitness plan. It's a low-impact, calorie-burning option, especially if high-intensity workouts aren’t your style.

As a coach, I’ve worked with many clients who needed to step outside the gym to achieve their weight loss goals, and walking is often the starting point. Increasing their walking speed has been a game-changer.

In this article, I’ll explain why walking faster helps you burn more calories, share strategies to boost your speed, and introduce some of the best walking workouts to maximize your results. I’ll also highlight common mistakes that can slow your progress and how to fix them, ensuring you stay on track and walk your way to a leaner, fitter body.

Why Walking Faster Helps You Burn More Calories

The science behind walking faster is straightforward: the quicker you move, the more energy your body needs. Walking at a faster pace raises your heart rate, increasing calorie burn. According to Harvard Health Publishing, a 155-pound person walking at 3.5 miles per hour burns about 266 calories per hour. Increase that speed to 4 miles per hour, and calorie burn jumps to around 350 calories per hour. That’s a significant boost just by picking up the pace.

Faster walking also activates more muscle groups, especially your core, glutes, and legs. As you move briskly, your muscles work harder to push you forward, requiring more oxygen and energy. This process, called aerobic metabolism, helps you burn more calories. Plus, walking at a higher intensity strengthens your heart and lungs, improving cardiovascular health and making it easier to sustain a quicker pace over time. The combined effect is a greater overall calorie burn, both during and after your workout, due to the "afterburn" effect that keeps your metabolism elevated.

Proven Strategies To Increase Your Walking Speed

If you want to boost your walking speed, it's not just about pushing yourself harder—proper technique and gradual progression are essential. Begin by improving your posture: stand tall, shoulders back, and engage your core. This alignment promotes a more efficient stride and helps prevent fatigue. Instead of lengthening your stride, focus on taking shorter, quicker steps. This technique helps maintain balance, reduces the risk of injury, and allows you to increase your pace more effectively.

Another effective strategy is to add interval training to your walks. Alternate between fast walking and slower recovery periods. For instance, walk briskly for two minutes, then slow down for one minute. Repeat this cycle throughout your walk.

Interval training not only increases your overall walking speed but also improves cardiovascular endurance, making it easier to maintain a faster pace over time. You can also challenge yourself by incorporating incline walking—either on a treadmill or outdoor hills—which naturally boosts intensity and encourages a quicker pace.

Best Walking Workouts to Boost Speed and Calorie Burn

One of the most effective ways to increase your walking speed is by incorporating structured workouts that challenge your pace. A popular approach is the pyramid workout, where you gradually increase your speed in intervals and then mirror the pattern by decreasing it.

Start with a comfortable pace for two minutes, then slightly increase your speed for the next two minutes. Keep progressing this way until you reach your maximum sustainable speed, then gradually work your way back down. This workout not only boosts speed but also builds endurance.

Another great option is the tempo walk. Warm up at a moderate pace for five minutes, then walk at your fastest sustainable pace for 20 to 30 minutes. Finish with a slower cool-down. Tempo walks help train your body to maintain a higher speed for longer periods, leading to more calories burned.

For a more intense challenge, try walking sprints—short bursts of maximum-speed walking followed by recovery periods. These high-intensity intervals can significantly increase calorie burn and improve overall walking speed.

Common Mistakes That Slow You Down—and How to Fix Them


A common mistake that can hinder your speed is overstriding—attempting to take longer steps to move faster. This reduces efficiency and can strain your joints and cause muscle imbalances. To correct this, focus on taking shorter, quicker steps. Engage your glutes and core to propel yourself forward, rather than relying solely on your legs.

Neglecting your arm swing

Another common mistake is neglecting your arm swing. Your arms play a key role in helping you walk faster by generating momentum. Keep your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle and swing your arms naturally as you walk. Avoid clenching your fists, as this can cause unnecessary tension.

Wearing improper footwear

Lastly, be mindful of your footwear. Wearing shoes that don’t properly support your walking style or provide adequate cushioning can slow you down and raise your risk of injury. Invest in a quality pair of walking shoes that are lightweight, flexible, and comfortable to maintain your pace and keep your walks pain-free.

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