When healthy, the valves in your leg veins keep the blood moving in only one direction. However, these valves can get damaged, causing rising pressure in the veins. Luckily, the symptoms are straightforward to identify. They can range from ankle swelling to pain and itchiness.

Main Causes

These are the most common factors that can lead to developing leg vein disease.

Old Age

Wear and tear of the valves in your veins only intensifies with age. Those standing or sitting for long periods are particularly at risk, but an active lifestyle can slow down this condition.


Women are more likely to develop leg vein disease. Hormonal changes are a significant factor. Additional hormonal treatments can even increase the risk of varicose veins. For example, during pregnancies, the blood volume drastically increases. While this is essential for the baby's growth, it greatly impacts the veins in the legs.

Family History

You're also at risk if other family members have leg vein disease because this condition tends to get passed through genetics.

Proper Treatment

If you are experiencing any leg pain, visit your doctor as soon as possible. They should recommend a treatment based on your age and the severity of your symptoms. Some options might include increased movement and exercise, medications, or surgery.

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