With the latter having psychoactive properties that get you high, the former doesn’t but studies have shown that although more research is needed in this area, CBD can have some health benefits to a portion of the population if consumed. Keep reading to find out some of these benefits.

Pain Management

The research surrounding CBD as an avenue of pain relief is still in its infancy, but what seems to hold a lot of promise is its anti-inflammatory properties.

When used in conjunction with THC during clinical trials, CBD has been found to contain pain relieving properties in some people, especially for back pain, arthritis, MS, and fibromyalgia.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Along the same lines as pain reduction, CBD has been found to possess great inflammatory reducing effects when using an animal model.

According to Harvard University, CBD oil consumption can relieve inflammation when applied to affected skin with arthritis, as well as helping with conditions such as IBD.

Stress Reduction and Sleep Improvement

CBD can help suppress anxiety by interacting with the brain receptors associated with regulating your mood, and some people can benefit from being less anxious and more relaxed after consumption.

Additionally, some people find CBD use can treat insomnia and improve the quality of their sleep.


CBD may have neuroprotective effects, potentially easing the daily pains and sufferings of individuals with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

See the effects of using CBD on this gentleman with Parkinson’s disease.

Acne Management

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions humans contend with. CBD has been found to have sebum-reducing properties and can be adapted for managing acne, reducing excess oil production.

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