Achieving your fat-loss goals in your 40s requires dedication, perseverance, and following a tailored fitness routine. The key is to have a workout regimen backed by experts, ensuring consistency alongside healthy dietary and lifestyle adjustments. We've taken the initiative and consulted The Nutrition Twins®, Tammy Lakatos Shames, RD, CDN, CFT, and Lyssie Lakatos, RD, CDN, CFT, esteemed members of our Medical Expert Board and certified personal trainers. They unveil the ultimate workout to help you lose body fat in your 40s.
Your daily lifestyle choices play a significant role in your aging process and overall fitness level as you enter your 40s and beyond. By moderating alcohol consumption, adopting a diet rich in nutritious fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and plant-based foods, and engaging in regular exercise incorporating both aerobic and strength training, you can combat the physical changes that accompany aging. For effective fat loss, our recommended workout combines cardiovascular exercises with strength training. "In this workout routine, strength training is crucial for developing lean muscle tissue, which boosts your metabolism and burns calories. Meanwhile, cardiovascular exercises not only improve heart health but also aid in weight and body fat reduction," explain The Nutrition Twins. This workout routine focuses on three essential elements that contribute to a successful fat-burning workout: engaging large muscle groups, challenging cardiovascular fitness, and incorporating varying intensities. Each exercise in this routine varies in intensity, enabling you to burn more calories and achieve a higher rate of body fat loss as you work harder and more intensely.
If you're eager to kickstart your workout, continue reading to discover The Nutrition Twins' ultimate workout to lose body fat in your 40s. Complete three sets of the following circuit:
1) Dynamic Jumping Jacks:

Let's start by activating your entire body and elevating your heart rate. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms resting by your sides. Jump up explosively, simultaneously extending your feet outwards and raising your arms overhead. As you land, return to the starting position. Perform 100 jumping jacks to awaken your muscles and increase circulation.
2) Pulsing Lunges:

Now it's time to focus on your quadriceps and glutes while improving stability. Assume a split stance with one foot forward and the other foot behind you. Keep your shoulders pulled back and maintain good posture throughout. Descend into a lunge position and start pulsing by performing controlled, small up-and-down movements. Focus on squeezing your quads and glutes. Engage your abs and tighten them further at the end of each pulse. Complete 40 pulsing lunges on each leg for a total of 80 lunges.
3) Plank Claps:

Challenge your core and enhance balance with this plank variation. Begin in a high plank position, with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your body forming a straight line from head to heels. Activate your abs and ensure your hips stay level. If you have a partner, face each other, maintaining enough distance to avoid any head collisions. Reach out and clap each other's hands. If you're solo, simulate the clapping motion by extending your arm as if reaching for an imaginary partner. Aim for 20 hand claps.
4) Standing Criss-Cross Crunches:

Strengthen your core and obliques with standing criss-cross crunches. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and your abs engaged. Lift one knee up and across your body while simultaneously bringing the opposite elbow toward the knee. Contract your abs as you perform this diagonal movement. Lower your leg and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Complete 15 reps per side, totaling 30 reps. Adjust the number of reps based on your fitness level, increasing gradually over time.
5) Reverse Plank with Kicks:

Engage multiple muscle groups with this challenging isometric exercise. Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you and your hands planted on the ground behind you, fingers pointing toward your feet. Lift your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your head to your heels. Activate your core and glutes. From this position, raise one leg to a 45-degree angle while keeping the rest of your body stable. Lower the leg with control and repeat the motion with the other leg. Perform 20 kicks in total, alternating between legs.
6) Cardio Finisher Jog:

To wrap up the circuit and maximize fat burning, it's time for some cardio! Head outside or hop on a treadmill and jog at a comfortable pace for half a mile. Maintain a speed that challenges you but allows you to complete the distance without overexertion. Remember, this circuit will be repeated three times, so conserve your energy.