Orange juice can also nourish your body with minerals and various B vitamins. However, a glass of orange juice has over 20 grams of carbs and sugar calories.

Read on to learn more about the benefits and side effects of drinking orange juice.

Choosing the Best Orange Juice

The most nutritious orange juice is squeezed direct from the fruit. Other mass-produced orange juice products in local grocery stores might have added sugars and harmful additives. Choose a beverage that contains 100% orange juice by checking the product label. If it says “with pulp,” or “no added sugar,” it’s the perfect choice.

Benefits of Drinking Orange Juice

Orange juice contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can prevent many serious diseases. For instance, drinking orange juice can reduce your chances of getting an ischemic stroke by 22% in men and 19% in women. Oxidative stress and inflammation due to toxins can ruin your internal organs. However, this journal indicates that drinking orange juice can lower inflammation and protect your organs.

Since oranges are rich in vitamin C, they’re the best fruit to eat if your immune system is weak. According to Frontiers, a regular intake of orange juice can reduce inflammation and enhance the immune system. If you drink pure orange juice, it can help you lose weight.

Side Effects of Orange Juice

Orange juice can’t harm you if you drink 240ml per day. Also, avoid some orange juice brands that add sugar to their products. Natural orange juice has 23 grams of sugar and 26 grams of carbohydrates (USDA). If you choose a drink with sugar additives, it can promote weight gain. Also, the extra sugar may spike your blood sugar levels and worsen hypoglycemic symptoms.

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