For those who struggle with sleep, the relief of a full, undisturbed night's rest is invaluable. The American Sleep Apnea Association reported in 2023 that between 50 to 70 million people in the U.S. face sleep challenges, and about one in three adults, roughly 84 million, do not regularly get the recommended amount of sleep necessary for optimal health. To enhance sleep quality, numerous calming bedtime routines can be explored. Among these, the "Scandinavian sleep method" stands out for its effectiveness. This technique is gaining popularity for significantly improving sleep quality. We consulted with a sleep expert to understand more about this method. For further insights, after reading about the Scandinavian sleep method, you might also be interested in exploring the trend of 'Cricketing' one's feet to expedite sleep onset, a method many claims are effective.
What is the Scandinavian Sleep Method?

The Scandinavian sleeping method involves a couple sleeping on the same bed but with separate covers. Dorsey Standish, who holds a master's degree in engineering and neuroscience, is also a wellness expert and CEO of Mastermind Meditate. She describes this method as each person in a couple using their own individual duvet cover, even though they share the same larger bed, like a king-sized one. Each person has a twin-size duvet cover that suits their preference.
What Advantages Does the Scandinavian Sleep Method Offer?
Standish explains that the Scandinavian sleep method preserves the benefits of sharing a bed with a partner, like enhanced mental health, increased REM sleep, and a stronger sense of support in the relationship. She highlights that it allows each individual to select their preferred bedding weight and style, which is crucial for sleep comfort and temperature regulation. Additionally, having separate bedding reduces disturbances like cover-sharing conflicts or disruptions from different sleep schedules.
Standish shares a personal anecdote about family friends, a couple of 28 years, crediting the Scandinavian sleep method for their lasting and happy marriage. The wife, being Norwegian, advocates for this method.
Furthermore, Standish has personally tried a variant of this method with her wife. Their different sleep schedules, along with sharing their bed with pets, often led to struggles over bedding or one of them moving to the guest room. Having separate covers, she notes, has improved their sleep comfort while still maintaining their closeness and quality time together.
People on TikTok Claim The Scandinavian Sleep Method is The Best Way to Sleep
TikTok user Cecilia Blomdahl, hailing from Sweden, shared her favorite sleep hack for a great night's sleep: using two duvet covers, known as the Scandinavian sleep method. In her video, she explains, In America, people use a comforter and top sheet, but that's not common here. We usually have a down-filled duvet with a cover, which is what you wash. The key is to have one duvet per person, avoiding any middle-of-the-night tug-of-war over the duvet. Plus, you can choose one that suits your temperature preference.
Another TikTok enthusiast, Erica Stolman Dowdy, also praised this method in her video, stating, "The Scandinavian sleep method is a game changer." She elaborates, "In Copenhagen, I've always slept with two twin duvets instead of one. It results in great sleep, with no blanket fighting and everyone stays comfortable in their preferred temperature. It's incredibly comfy. I highly recommend it. It could even save marriages!