If you believe that all carbs are detrimental to weight loss, think again. The truth is that you can achieve a lean physique without eliminating carbs from your diet. The key is to choose the right healthy carbs for weight loss. We consulted with experts who shared their insights on the healthiest carbs that can help you lose weight.

Carbs are an essential macronutrient and are referred to as "happy foods" by Laura Burak, MS, RD, founder of GetNaked® Nutrition and author of Slim Down with Smoothies. Without an adequate supply of carbs, you may feel unsatisfied and hungry, leading to binge-eating on carb-rich foods later in the day.

However, there is a distinction between carbs that contain added sugar, such as cookies, candy, and ice cream, and "quality carbs," as Burak refers to them, that are naturally high in fiber and nutrients. These types of healthy carbs help your body by keeping you fuller for longer periods of time and maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

Understanding the Characteristics of "Healthy Carbs"

Carbohydrates can be grouped into three main categories:

Simple carbohydrates are essentially sugars that are naturally present in fruits, vegetables, and milk products. However, they are also found in unhealthy processed foods and refined grains in the form of "added sugar." The body breaks down simple carbs quickly for fuel, which can lead to carb cravings, weight gain, and other health issues.

Complex carbohydrates are made up of long, complex chains of sugar molecules. These carbs take longer to digest and provide sustained energy, keeping you feeling full for longer periods of time.

Dietary fiber is another type of complex carbohydrate, but it is indigestible. Fiber helps keep your digestive system running smoothly and keeps you feeling full. Fiber is usually found in foods that also contain complex carbs.

Healthy carbs, such as dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates, are broken down gradually by the body, requiring more energy to burn than simple sugars. This helps you burn more calories and aids in weight loss.

Top Healthy Carbs for Effective Weight Loss

1) High-Fiber Crackers

Fiber is an essential nutrient in any weight loss diet. It keeps you feeling full for longer periods of time, reduces hunger cravings, and helps to decrease calorie consumption. Therefore, when choosing healthy carbs for weight loss, it's crucial to consider fiber as your best ally.

According to Burak, high-fiber crackers are a delicious snack option that promotes weight loss. "Select high-fiber bread and crackers like Mary's Gone Crackers or ELLA'S FLATS made with whole grains and seeds, or wraps made with chickpea or almond flour like Siete brand," she advises.

2) Bean Pastas

If you're a fan of spaghetti, giving up your beloved pasta nights can be challenging. Fortunately, you don't have to bid farewell to pasta when trying to lose weight. You just need to replace the classic refined flour type with healthier alternatives. The Cleveland Clinic suggests choosing pasta with more nutrients, such as chickpea or black bean pasta, as they contain higher amounts of iron and fiber than traditional pasta.

Burak suggests choosing bean pasta options like Banza chickpea pasta and Explore Cuisine's organic black bean and edamame pasta. These healthy alternatives are rich in fiber and protein, making them ideal choices for weight loss.

3) Chickpeas

Lisa Young, Ph.D., RDN, a nutritionist in private practice, author of Finally Full, Finally Slim, and a member of our Medical Expert Board, suggests incorporating legumes like chickpeas into your weight loss diet. A study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology shows that consuming chickpeas can be incredibly beneficial for weight management. Chickpeas help regulate energy intake and act as an appetite suppressant, making them a smart choice for weight loss.

4) Oats

Oats are a breakfast staple that everyone should keep in their home, according to Burak. This delicious and nutritious food has earned her seal of approval for good reason. Trifecta Nutrition notes that oats are an excellent choice for weight loss because they are high in fiber and can make you feel full for longer periods of time. This helps to prevent overeating and manage hunger levels, making oats an ideal addition to any weight loss diet.

5) Sweet Potatoes

According to The Nutrition Twins®, Tammy Lakatos Shames, RD, CDN, CFT, and Lyssie Lakatos, RD, CDN, CFT, who are members of our Medical Expert Board, sweet potatoes are the "ultimate carb" for weight loss. Sweet potatoes rank high on the satiety index, which measures the effectiveness of various foods at keeping you full. Foods with the highest ranking will keep you satiated for a longer period.

The Nutrition Twins add that sweet potatoes can also increase adiponectin, a fat hormone that boosts metabolism and increases insulin sensitivity. To enjoy sweet potatoes for weight loss, they suggest skipping the artery-clogging butter and instead seasoning with cinnamon to make a sweet potato pie-like treat that helps moderate blood sugar. For a satisfying weight loss meal, The Nutrition Twins recommend trying stuffed sweet potato tacos and vegetarian-loaded sweet potato.

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