Read on to learn more.

The Duration

Detecting nicotine in the body depends on what is being tested. It can be a hair test, blood test, saliva test, or urine test.

· In a urine test, it’s possible to test for nicotine two to five days later.

· Nicotine can be detected through a saliva test up to five days later.

· For a blood test, it can be detected up to 10-12 days after use.

· The longest is a hair test. This test can still detect nicotine up to three months later. For long-term users, the duration can go up to one year.

Everyone clears nicotine from their system uniquely. Some faster than others. The body produces the CYP2A6 enzyme that can speed up nicotine’s life span. This enzyme is more active in some people than others.

Your ethnic group may also determine how fast you clear nicotine from your system. According to the CDC, black people tend to metabolize the substance slower than white people. People of Japanese ancestry tend to process nicotine even slower.

Most nicotine tests are conducted using urine or saliva, but there are instances where blood samples are taken. Hair samples are rarely used. The sample of choice is determined by the reason for the test.

Take Back Control and Clear Your System of Nicotine

Lots of factors affect how long nicotine remains in your body, including your smoking habits. If possible, avoid smoking to avoid any ill effects. However, if already exposed, rest assured that nicotine in the body is only temporary. Drink more water, exercise, and eat a healthy diet to flush out the substance faster.

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