Choosing a versatile food suitable for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, eggs are an excellent option. They're perfect in a vegetable quiche, protein-packed omelet, and nutritious avocado toast, among others. Hard-boiled eggs, in particular, are convenient and easy to store in the fridge, making them ideal for weight loss efforts. They offer a significant protein boost without significantly increasing your daily calorie intake.

How Many Calories Are in an Egg?

In essence, a large egg contains approximately 72 calories and provides six grams of protein. Consuming one large, scrambled egg for breakfast contributes just 91 calories to your diet. Preparing a large egg as part of an omelet results in about 94 calories. Topping avocado toast with a poached egg is a nutritious and satisfying meal choice, with the egg adding only 72 calories, half an avocado contributing 161 calories, and a slice of whole-grain toast amounting to 69 calories.

Why is an Egg a Beneficial Choice for Your Diet?

We consulted Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, a registered dietitian and certified sports dietetics specialist who is a member of our Medical Expert Board. She explains the reasons why eggs are an outstanding dietary choice, particularly for those aiming to lose excess weight.

1)  They're High in Protein

A large egg is rich in protein, providing six grams per egg," explains Goodson. "Protein aids in slowing digestion, helping you feel fuller faster and maintaining that fullness for a longer period, thereby extending satisfaction after eating. The aim is to include protein in every meal and snack, making an egg an excellent option at any time."

Some individuals prefer only the egg whites, discarding the yolk. However, Goodson points out a drawback: the egg white alone has just four grams of protein. By omitting the yolk, you miss out on four key nutrients. Therefore, the yolk is significantly beneficial!

2) They're Fantastic Brain Food

Eggs enhance brain health," informs Goodson. "They are a prime source of choline, vital for brain functions like memory and mood regulation," she continues. "Choline plays a crucial role in brain development and in maintaining brain strength as we age.

3) They Provide Nutrients That Are "Difficult to Find."

Numerous nutrients are vital for regular consumption. Incorporating eggs into your diet introduces "rare" nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and vitamin B-12. Goodson explains, "Although these nutrients exist in other foods, they are present in only a limited number, making eggs a nutritional powerhouse as they contain all three!"

4) They're Adaptable

To make your weight loss journey both effective and sustainable, it's crucial to simplify food preparation. "Eggs are incredibly flexible and can be enjoyed in numerous ways," Goodson points out. "For breakfast, mix them into scrambled eggs with vegetables, place a fried egg on avocado toast, or combine a soft-boiled egg with oatmeal. Hard-boiled eggs are a convenient, portable protein for snacks. For lunch or dinner, you can add a fried or hard-boiled egg to a salad or a grain-protein bowl."

Be conscious of your egg cooking methods. Goodson recommends, "Use a minimal amount of butter and oil. A little is okay but avoid excess. Enhance your eggs with vegetables at any meal."

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