Read on to see if there really is a health distinction between white and brown eggs.

Understanding Shell Color

Believe it or not, the difference in shell color is primarily a result of the breed of hen. Only certain breeds can lay brown eggs, and any price difference comes from the specific costs related to that breed. The color difference is solely due to pigmentation and doesn’t affect the health benefits eggs bring you.

What Are Fatty Acids?

The difference between these two types of eggs lies in a little-known compound called omega-3. It lowers the risk of arrhythmia, otherwise known as an irregular heartbeat. Omega 3s can also prevent plaque from showing up in your arteries. This means your white blood cells have more time to clear out cholesterol.

In addition, these fatty acids can affect the eggshell color. Brown eggs have been proven to have slightly more omega-3 fatty acids than white eggs.

However, there’s probably more to the story. What the hens ate may be a bigger factor in omega-3 production than the actual color of the egg. Eggs high in omega-3 can be any color and are typically produced by hens that were fed a diet of flaxseed and fish oil.

The Role of Diet and Living Conditions

So, does it matter which eggs you choose at the grocery store? Not really. Either way, you'll be getting a huge dose of nutrients and vitamin D.

It's been proven these eggs have the same levels of protein and cholesterol. If you’re trying to maximize your health per egg, pay attention to how the chickens were raised instead.

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