Let's address the uncomfortable reality: dealing with constipation can throw a wrench into your day, causing discomfort, stomach pain, bloating, and gas. When faced with this issue, it's essential to find ways to bring relief, including identifying the right foods or drinks to promote regular bowel movements.

Constipation can arise from factors like inadequate fiber intake, dehydration, or consuming excessive processed foods. While focusing on increasing fiber intake and staying hydrated can aid in prevention, what about those moments when constipation strikes unexpectedly, threatening to disrupt your day? For a swift solution, consider incorporating foods like prunes, raisins, sweet potatoes, chia seeds, or black beans into your diet. And it's not just about food—certain drinks can offer assistance as well.

Apart from staying hydrated with water, Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN suggests that coffee ranks among the top choices for alleviating constipation. Alternatively, if coffee isn't your preference, she recommends prune juice as an excellent alternative. Keep reading to discover more.

The #1 drink to help you poop is coffee.

There are a few reasons why many of us feel the urge to use the bathroom shortly after enjoying our morning coffee.

Firstly, consuming coffee interacts with your digestive system. As Manaker explains, "It stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, enhancing peristalsis—the contractions your intestines undergo to propel contents towards evacuation." Essentially, coffee consumption triggers muscle contractions in your colon, typically resulting in a bowel movement.

Moreover, in addition to stimulating the gastrointestinal tract, "coffee's inherent acidity may boost stomach acid production, which can aid in digestion," notes Manaker.

Both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee contain acids that can stimulate the production of specific hormones called gastrin, which in turn increase muscle contractions that promote bowel movements.

Manaker explains that for many individuals, "simply drinking a warm liquid in the morning can trigger bowel movements." However, she notes, "it's important to recognize that people's reactions to coffee can vary, with some being more sensitive to its effects than others."

If you enjoy coffee, continue to savor your cup of joe and the ensuing digestive activity it brings. But if coffee isn't your preference, rest assured that there are alternative drink options to try when constipated and in need of relief.

If you don't like coffee, try prune juice when you need to poop.

While not everyone may enjoy a glass of prune juice, it serves as an excellent substitute for coffee when seeking a beverage to aid in bowel movements.

"Prune juice is frequently celebrated as a natural solution for constipation, thanks to its dietary fiber and sorbitol content," explains Manaker. "The fiber in prune juice increases stool bulk, facilitating bowel movements. Sorbitol, a natural sugar alcohol present in prunes, acts as a laxative by attracting water into the intestines, softening the stool, and easing its passage."

She highlights that "the combination of these effects makes prune juice an effective and gentle method for alleviating constipation and encouraging regular bowel movements."

Ultimately, Manaker emphasizes that staying hydrated is paramount because it "supports healthy bowel movements and promotes overall digestive health."

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